Puppy Found By A Busy Roadside Can’t Help Jumping For Joy After Rescue

Puppy Found By A Busy Roadside Can’t Help Jumping For Joy After Rescue

Seeing a small brown dog stranded on the edge of a busy road in Bali, with vehicles speeding by, Prue knew she had to do take action.

However, rescuing the dog turned out to be more challenging than expected.


A Tricky Rescue Mission

The dog was stuck between the road and a rice field, so Prue realized that approaching him too quickly might cause him to run into traffic or the field.


pup found on a busy roadside

Source: The Dodo

To avoid scaring him, she decided to take a gentle approach and get to know him first.


“I spoke to the family there, and they said they knew the dog, but no one could touch him,” Prue explained to The Dodo.


scared and injured pup

Source: The Dodo

Once the dog moved to a safer spot, Prue slowly approached, speaking softly and offering food to gain his trust.


feeding the stray pup

Source: The Dodo

After a while, she was able to carefully scoop him up and take him to safety.


rescuing the pup

Source: The Dodo


Adjusting To A New Place And New People

Although the pup was nervous at first, it took just one night for him to fully trust Prue.


“I honestly didn’t think it was the same dog,” she remarked.


pup after rescue

Source: The Dodo

Prue’s rescue follows a method where new dogs are kept outside initially, giving them time to adjust to their new surroundings. The dogs come inside when they feel ready.


“I let them inside when they’re ready to. It can take an hour, it could take several days,” Prue said.


With kind words and gentle encouragement, the little brown dog eventually ventured inside the house. Once there, and after meeting the other animals, he quickly settled in and didn’t want to leave.


Willis Happy New Life

Prue makes sure all the dogs get regular exercise, taking them to a field for daily runs.

The newly rescued pup, now named Willis, quickly bonded with his new friends during these playtimes.


willis making friends with another pup

Source: The Dodo

At first, Willis was kept on a leash to prevent him from running away, but Prue soon trusted him enough to let him off the leash.

After experiencing love and care for the first time, Willis was overjoyed. He would bounce around, expressing his gratitude to Prue.


happy willis in new home

Source: The Dodo

His happiness and sweet nature soon led him to a loving forever home, where he now receives endless affection and attention.

“He’s just surrounded by love, which is everything that he’s ever wanted!”