Pup Born Without Front Legs Saved From Death Finds His Perfect Family

Pup Born Without Front Legs Saved From Death Finds His Perfect Family

Nubby is an adorable Boxer puppy from Conroe, Texas. Born without his front legs, Nubby faced many challenges from the start and almost got euthanasia.

But his foster parents refused to give up on him and did everything in their power to save him.


Nubby Wasn’t Supposed To Live

Just four hours after Nubby was born, the vet suggested to his foster mom, Lou Robinson, that it might be best to euthanize him.

Nubby couldn’t reach his mom to nurse, and his siblings kept pushing him away. But Lou and her husband, Mark, founders of Warriors Educate About Rescue (WEAR), had a different plan.


nubby with his dad

Source: The Dodo

They decided to give Nubby a chance at life. They fed him with a bottle and provided round-the-clock care, ensuring he had everything he needed to thrive.


Overcoming Early Struggles

The first few months were tough. Although Nubby seemed healthy initially, he soon had trouble pooping and bubbles came out of his nose.


cute nubby as a pup

Source: The Dodo

A vet examination revealed issues with his esophagus. Nubby needed antibiotics and an incubator for oxygen.


“He had a pocket form in his esophagus that was trapping his milk,” Robinson told The Dodo. “He was not giving up. He was fighting (...) and as long as he has a chance at quality of life, we will fight to give him that chance.”


Despite these setbacks, his enthusiasm for life remained strong. Nubby’s love for life was evident every day.


Finally Growing Stronger

Nubby gradually overcame his health issues. He grew into a beautiful white Boxer with a spark of life in his eyes.


Despite his disability, Nubby moved around freely, only needing help with stairs. To help him live a more active life, Lou and Mark got him a wheeled prosthetic device.


nubby walking with his wheels

Source: Nubby Bowlin

With his new wheels, Nubby could fully enjoy his doggy activities and make lots of new friends.


Living His Best Life With The Pawfect Family

Today, Nubby is living his best life, surrounded by people and dogs who love him dearly.


nubby and his momma

Source: Nubby Bowlin

He adores cuddling with his mom, Lou, and dad, Mark, and enjoys playing with his human siblings.

Nubby is a social butterfly, making new friends wherever he goes. His zest for life shows that he doesn’t let his disability hold him back.


nubby with his hooman sisters

Source: Nubby Bowlin

Nubby’s joyful spirit and resilience have made him very popular on Instagram with over 80,000 followers enjoying his daily adventures.