Hidden Camera Shows Cat Comforting Anxious Dog When Alone

Hidden Camera Shows Cat Comforting Anxious Dog When Alone

Anyone can suffer from anxiety, even our pets.

That’s exactly what happened with Joule, an adorable dog who found the perfect companion to help ease her anxiety whenever her owner heads off to work.


Dealing With Joule’s Anxiety

When Brenna Eckert adopted Joule, a dog plagued by severe anxiety, she knew she had her work cut out for her.


Joule’s anxiety was so overwhelming that she required individual sessions with a dog behaviorist to address her deep-seated issues.

“She is definitely a Velcro dog,” Brenna said to The Dodo, describing Joule’s intense attachment and the separation anxiety she felt whenever Brenna left the house.

It was difficult for Brenna to leave Joule alone each day as she went to work. However, the answer to easing Joule’s loneliness was closer than Brenna had imagined.


The Camera Revealed Something Unexpected

Concerned about how Joule was coping in her absence, Brenna decided to install security cameras to monitor her behavior.


“I wanted to see how long before she calmed down,” Brenna shared.


But what the footage revealed was something she hadn’t expected.

As Brenna reviewed the footage, she watched Joule resting on the couch. Soon, Kelvin, her calm and gentle cat, appeared and snuggled up beside her.


Despite not being particularly close when Brenna was home, the two had formed an endearing bond, spending the entire day cuddling together. It was a delightful revelation.


“You see, Joule’s shelter name was Sandals and Kelvin’s was Socks, so I was always kidding around about what a perfect couple they would be,” Brenna noted with a grin.


Kelvin’s companionship made a significant difference in Joule’s anxiety, providing her with the comfort she needed while Brenna was away.

Kelvin, who loved warmth and naps, also enjoyed the constant snuggles.


Their Story Melted Everyone’s Heart

Brenna decided to share a short video of Joule and Kelvin’s newfound friendship on Reddit.


Every day I point the camera at the couch when I leave for work, so I can capture their snuggles.
byu/elphaba16 inaww

The video, capturing just a few sweet moments, quickly resonated with viewers. It went viral, garnering over a hundred thousand views and touching the hearts of people everywhere.

This touching story led Brenna to create an Instagram account, @ginger_cat_and_vizslas, where the duo’s daily adventures continue to attract a growing number of followers.


The response has been overwhelming, with many expressing how moved they were by the duo’s special bond.


The Fantastic Four

Though Joule and Kelvin are the stars of this heartwarming story, they’re not the only ones in this loving household.

Tesla, an American village dog, also enjoys cuddling with his friends but occasionally seeks some quiet time to himself.


Then there’s Nerien, a black cat who prefers to keep her distance and observe from afar, though she does share moments of affection with her companions.


Together, these four unique personalities create a warm and loving family, where everyone can enjoy snuggle sessions on the couch and the comfort of each other’s company.