Stray Dog Mom Stops A Woman On Forest Road Begging For Help

Stray Dog Mom Stops A Woman On Forest Road Begging For Help

For Ashley Boggs, a passionate dog rescuer, saving dogs is her life’s mission.

One day, while driving on a forest road in Puerto Rico, she spotted a distressed brown dog stopping cars and begging for help.


A Mother’s Desperation

Unlike typical strays that hide or wander aimlessly, this dog acted urgently, trying to communicate something crucial to Boggs.

Upon exiting her car, Ashley discovered that the dog was a nursing mother desperately seeking help for her newborn puppies.


Left alone in the woods without food or water, this brave mom, later named Goji, was struggling to care for her family. Fortunately, Boggs, who works for Miracles for Satos Rescue (MFSR) from New York, arrived just in time to be their savior.

Alongside Goji, she found two pups immediately, who were friendly and easy to secure in her car. But Boggs heard more puppy cries and knew she had to search further.


Venturing deeper into the woods, Boggs found four more puppies hidden near a box they were dumped in. This compassionate volunteer tirelessly worked to rescue all seven puppies, securing them safely in her car.



Fostering The Dog Family

Back at the facility, Boggs and her team ensured that Goji and her puppies received the care they desperately needed. They were hungry and scared but ready for a new beginning.


MFSR, which specializes in rescuing and transporting dogs from Puerto Rico to New York to find forever homes, took them under their wing.

Goji and her puppies were placed in a foster home where they began to socialize with other dogs and learn basic puppy manners. Goji, ever affectionate, adapted quickly to her new surroundings.


“She is the absolute best dog. She loves every dog and person that she meets. She loves rubs and cuddles and will even do tricks for treats,” the MFSR team wrote on Facebook.


The Berry-Themed Family

The puppies were adorably named Raspberry, Blueberry, Gooseberry, Cloudberry, Blackberry, and Strawberry.


“We named them after berries because we picked them from the bushes,” explained the MFSR team on Facebook.


Goji finally had a place where she didn’t need to worry about her family’s safety. She blossomed into a sweet and joyful dog, delighting everyone she met.


“She loves going for walks but her favorite place in the world is on her favorite person’s lap. Goji is definitely a volunteer favorite because she is an absolute sweetheart. She brings joy to the world every day,” shared the MFSR on their Facebook account.


Not long after their rescue, each member of the Berry family found their forever home. Once abandoned and left to fend for themselves, these adorable pups are now thriving and happy in their new families.