Bodybuilder Who Once Mocked Toy Dogs Became Their Biggest Savior

Bodybuilder Who Once Mocked Toy Dogs Became Their Biggest Savior

Bobby Humphrey, a bodybuilder from Boonsboro, Maryland, never imagined tiny dogs would play such an important role in his life.

Known as a “big dog guy,” Bobby was all about strength and toughness, owning three Rottweilers and dismissing the smaller breeds.

But a series of life-changing events shifted his perspective dramatically.


When His Wife Leaves Him, Bobby Suffers From Depression

The turning point came on New Year’s Eve in 2016 when Bobby’s wife left him. This, coupled with a severe shoulder injury, plunged him into deep depression.

During this dark time, his friend Connie made a simple request that would change his life: to look after her aggressive Chihuahua, Lady, for a few days.

Reluctantly, Bobby agreed, not realizing this decision would start his transformation.


“I never thought of a little dog,” said Bobby.


Lady, The Chi Who Changed Everything

Contrary to expectations, Lady didn’t remain the aggressive dog Bobby had been warned about.

Instead, she quickly warmed up to him, becoming a comforting presence.

She curled into his lap, her aggression faded, and she transformed into the friendliest Chihuahua, showing Bobby the deep emotional capacity of tiny dogs.


Bobby Discovers His Vocation After Lady

Motivated by his connection with Lady, Bobby decided he couldn’t part with the companionship of small dogs.


He first adopted Kira, a one-year-old Chihuahua with food aggression and social issues.

With Bobby’s care, she soon blossomed into a sweet and affectionate pet.

Encouraged by his success with Kira, Bobby didn’t stop there. He adopted Harley and Quinn, Chihuahua siblings who had suffered due to inbreeding.


He provided a loving home for them, and they thrived under his care.


A Growing Canine Family And A Stronger Commitment

Bobby’s experiences inspired him to take a bigger step: he founded Big Guy Littles World Sanctuary.

This sanctuary focuses on rescuing and rehabilitating tiny, abused, neglected, and abandoned dogs, particularly Chihuahuas.


His mission is to offer a second chance to those less fortunate dogs, driven by the love and responsibility he feels towards them.


“The feeling of love that these dogs give me after what some of them had been through made me say, -Well, now I’m responsible for them.”


Today, Bobby lives with 37 tiny dogs. Each one has a story of resilience and recovery, thanks to his dedication.

As long as he has the strength and resources, Bobby plans to continue his work, proving every day that even the biggest guys can have the biggest hearts for the smallest dogs.