Dog Gets Adopted After Months Of Waiting And Can’t Leave Without Kissing Everyone Goodbye

Dog Gets Adopted After Months Of Waiting And Can't Leave Without Kissing Everyone Goodbye

Today we get to witness a heartwarming story unfold in Regina, Canada.

Jax, a big doggo with an even bigger heart, has been waiting in the Regina Humane Society shelter for months.

When he finally gets adopted, the whole staff got together to say goodbye – and Jax made sure to give every single person a kiss goodbye!


A Doggo in Bad Shape

When Jax first arrived at the shelter, he was thin, very hungry, and clearly had been without love for some time.

“He was very thin, so it seemed like he may have been on his own for a little bit. He was very, very hungry when he arrived. We made sure that he had all the food he needed.” said Bill Thorn, the Regina Human Society’s director.


Despite these hardships, the Regina Humane Society’s vet team quickly addressed his medical needs, preparing him for adoption.

However, Jax’s journey took a setback when he developed pneumonia, delaying his chance at finding a home.


Barrier Frustration: A Misunderstood Behavior

Jax faced another challenge beyond his health issues: barrier frustration.

His deep bark, meant as a plea for affection and interaction, unfortunately deterred potential adopters.


Despite his friendly nature, the barrier of his kennel made it difficult for visitors to see his true, loving personality.

The staff at Regina Humane Society recognized Jax’s predicament and sought to mitigate it by explaining his behavior through a sign on his kennel and later, by showcasing him in the reception area where he became a staff favorite.


The Social Media Push

Understanding Jax’s gentle nature, the shelter staff embarked on a mission to find him a home.

They utilized social media campaigns and even had Jax’s adoption fees sponsored in hopes of drawing attention to this deserving dog. Despite their efforts, Jax remained at the shelter for months, becoming a “long-timer.”


A Dream Came True

On March 3, 2023, Jax’s wait finally came to an end.

A man with experience in caring for large dogs visited the shelter and immediately fell for Jax.


It was a perfect match!


A Fond Farewell & Happy Returns

On his last day at the shelter, just before he would go on to live with his new hooman, his friends at the shelter organized something special.

All of the staff at the rescue center gathered together, to celebrate Jax adoption and his new life.


Jax made sure to personally thank each staff member with a kiss goodbye, a touching moment that underscored the deep bond formed between Jax and the people who had cared for him.

The shelter posted the video to Facebook, along with these words:

“It was a tearfully happy Friday afternoon when all the staff gathered to send off our boy, Jax. After greeting his adopter, he made his way around the room and said goodbye to every person there. It was an incredibly sweet moment to end his long stay at the Shelter. Have a great life, Jax! ❤️”



Jax’s departure from the shelter was bittersweet, marked by heartfelt goodbyes from the staff.

However, the separation was not permanent.

Jax and his new dad have since returned to the shelter multiple times, reinforcing the bond between Jax and his humane society family.

Now, Jax enjoys a life filled with love, walks, and cuddles with his dad, the mark of true joy that comes from pet adoption.