Tiny Puppy Demands To Be Let Out Of His Incubator By Screaming At Mom

Tiny Puppy Demands To Be Let Out Of His Incubator By Screaming At Mom

Hammy was born with a cleft palate, and his life was on the line.

He was rescued by a specialist, and given a second chance in an incubator.

But this little boy was clearly ready to leave the incubator, and was telling his mom... by screaming at her!


Rescued by The Bottle Brigade

From the moment Hammy opened his eyes, he was ready to take on the world.

Despite being born with a cleft palate, a condition that brought him significant breathing difficulties, Hammy’s vocal nature made it clear he had a lot of life in him.


hammy in incubator

Source: Youtube

A licensed vet, who specializes in caring for animals with special needs, took Hammy into her care.

Kathryn Mongrain is the founder of The Bottle Brigade, a safe place that rescues little pups in need of special care.

She saved Hammy from euthanasia, a fate that many animals with his condition unfortunately face.


Recovery and Little Screams

In the early days, Hammy’s condition required him to stay in an incubator with oxygen support to help him breathe.

His caretaker could hear his demands from another room, a sign of his improving strength.


hammy screaming to be let out

Source: Youtube

As Hammy’s health began to stabilize, he made it known he was ready to explore beyond the confines of his incubator.

“Hammy was telling me he was ready to come out of the incubator. That boy’s lungs were no problem any longer,” Kathryn said.

His feisty attitude and persistent “talking” were his ways of communicating his readiness to interact more with the world.


Hammy’s New Life

Gradually, Hammy was introduced to more of the world outside his incubator.

He began to run around the house, showing no issues with his lungs, which had grown stronger with time.


tiny hammy sleeping in incubator

Source: Youtube

His interactions weren’t just limited to humans; despite his small size, Hammy fearlessly interacted with Etta, a 100-pound Great Dane.

His size didn’t deter him from sassing at her, displaying a humorous lack of awareness about their size difference.


Becoming a Workplace Favorite

Hammy’s charm extended beyond the home as he accompanied his caretaker to the hospital every day.


hammy playing with etta

Source: Youtube

There, he became everyone’s friend, enchanting people with his playful nature and undeniable courage.

After work, he was always ready to play and embrace life to the fullest.


Back to His Forever Home

The ultimate plan for Hammy was always for him to return to Genny, the person who initially brought him to his caretaker.

This transition marked the beginning of another chapter in his life, one where he would continue to be spoiled and loved as he truly deserved.


hammy at work

Source: Youtube

His departure was bittersweet for those who had come to know him, but they took comfort in knowing that Hammy was going to a home where he would continue to thrive.


An Inspiration to All

Hammy’s story is more than just a tale of survival; it’s a source of inspiration.

His journey gives hope not only to his caretaker but also to others who fight for the lives of special-needs animals.


Hammy has shown that with enough love, care, and perseverance, even animals with severe challenges can lead joyful and fulfilling lives.

As Hammy enjoys his new home, we wish him and Genny the very best life together!