Brave Cyclists Rescue Pit Bull Trapped On High Bridge

Brave Cyclists Rescue Pit Bull Trapped On High Bridge

Mo is a lovely Pit Bull who found herself stuck on a concrete beam of a bridge, hoping for someone to come to her rescue.

Despite the passing time, she remained hopeful that her heroes would find her.

Here’s her incredible story and how she was saved.


An Unexpected Encounter On A Regular Bike Ride

Every Monday, like clockwork, a group of cyclists in Fort Worth, Texas, heads out for their weekly ride.

For four years, they’ve hardly missed a ride. One rare Saturday, they decided to take an extra trip from Fort Worth to Dallas, making for an 80-mile journey.

About 30 miles into their ride, they crossed a bridge and noticed a woman who had stopped her car, frantically shouting, “There’s a dog, there’s a dog!”.


The cyclists looked down and saw a frightened dog stranded on a narrow concrete beam, 20 feet above the ground. The poor pup had no way to get up there or to get down by herself.


“There’s no way she could have gotten there herself and there’s no way she could have gotten out herself. The look on her face was despair,” shared Abby Robinson, a woman from the cycling group.


A Risky Rescue Mission

As the cyclists stopped to assess the situation, a handyman’s van pulled over too. Chris Williamson, one of the cyclists, borrowed a ladder from the van and carefully descended to the beam.

Face to face with the terrified female Pit Bull, Chris gently talked to her, laid down beside her, and calmed her down. After 15 minutes of gaining her trust, Chris was able to pick her up.


Three of the cyclists carefully leaned over the side of the bridge, lifting the dog and cradling her like a baby before setting her safely on the ground.

Once she was lifted to safety, the pooch felt totally relaxed.


The Cycling Group Did A Righteous Deed

The dog, later known as Mo in the memory of professional biker Moriah Wilson, was found to be healthy but without a microchip. She was thirsty and hungry but not harmed, luckily.

Thanks to the bravery and quick thinking of Chris and his fellow cyclists:


 “It needed to be done. Who else is gonna do it if you don’t just jump in and do it?” said Chris.


They called Saving Hope Rescue so she could be taken care of, and she ended up finding a foster family. Mo is now safe there and the cyclist group even visited her.

The cycling group’s spontaneous ride turned into a lifesaving mission, reminding us all of the good that can happen when people care.