Adorable Rescued Dog And Cat Refuse To Be Parted In Shelter

Adorable Rescued Dog And Cat Refuse To Be Parted In Shelter

It’s often said that dogs and cats are natural enemies, always chasing and fighting each other.

But is there any truth to this myth? Not really.

While they might have their occasional disagreements, dogs and cats can form incredible bonds. Many pet owners can vouch for this, and the story of Sassy and Shadow is a perfect example.


A Remarkable Pair

Sassy and Shadow have been inseparable for as long as anyone at the Jackson County Animal Shelter can remember.

Sassy is a six-year-old dog, and Shadow is a one-year-old cat. Their bond is truly extraordinary.


Both were abandoned by their previous owners and left to fend for themselves. Despite the odds, they stuck together until help arrived.

Lydia Sattler, the animal services director at JCAS, was amazed by their closeness.


“This cat and dog were practically glued together (...) it’s really rare to see that.” Lydia Sattler told The Dodo.


When a Good Samaritan offered Sassy some food, he was astonished to see her let Shadow eat first.


A New Family, Yes – But Together

When it was time to move them to the shelter, the JCAS staff faced a dilemma. Sassy and Shadow were inseparable, and separating them was not an option.


“When they got here, we didn’t want to separate them, but we have a dog-specific room and a cat room. There’s a large space for multiple cat housing that was available, though, so we decided to put them in that room so that they could stay together,” Sattler explained to The Dodo.


Even at the shelter, their bond remained unbroken. They napped, ate, and played together, much to the delight of the shelter staff. It was clear that they needed to find a new home together.

After a month of searching, the shelter staff finally found the perfect family for them.


“They ended up finding a great home where they get to continue that bond that they have,” Sattler said. “They’re continuing to enjoy their time together, and they don’t have to worry about being hungry anymore.”


Luckily, Their Connection Will Last Forever

Sattler keeps in touch with Sassy and Shadow’s new family, receiving regular updates about the duo.

She is thrilled that they have found a loving home where they are cared for and cherished.


“They ended up finding a great home where they get to continue that bond that they have. They’re continuing to enjoy their time together, and they don’t have to worry about being hungry anymore,” Sattler said.


If you ever doubted that dogs and cats could get along, I hope the story of Sassy and Shadow has changed your mind. Their incredible bond shows that friendship knows no bounds, even between species.