Rescued Dog Awaits In Her Lonely Corner Until Her Perfect Match Comes Along

Rescued Dog Awaits In Her Lonely Corner Until Her Perfect Match Comes Along

At a bustling animal shelter in Los Angeles, a scared rescue dog named Chloe spent her days in a corner, avoiding eye contact with Shira Scott Astrof, the CEO of Animal Rescue Mission (A.R.M.).

Shira knew she had a challenging task ahead.


Bringing Chloe Out Of The Shadows

“If she had stayed any longer in that dark corner of the shelter, she would completely shut down,” Shira shared with The Dodo, realizing how crucial it was to act swiftly.


chloe with shira

Source: The Dodo

She knew that to help Chloe, she needed to find the perfect foster home fast. That’s when she thought of Darvish, a cheerful and compassionate young man. Shira believed he could bring happiness back into Chloe’s life.

The next day, Shira, Darvish, and the A.R.M. team arrived to rescue Chloe from her corner of despair.


“Darvish and I walked her out, and she didn’t want to walk ’cause she was just so scared,” Shira recalled.


Chloe seemed ready to retreat back into the shelter, unsure if there was anything better beyond her small, familiar space.


An Emotional Car Ride

The journey to her new home was a whirlwind of emotions for Chloe and her rescuers.

The hour-long ride through Los Angeles was overwhelming for the poor dog, who had been confined to a dark corner for so long.


chloe on the car to her new place

Source: The Dodo

Chloe was so distressed that Shira had to sit in the back seat with her to provide comfort. This gesture seemed to make a difference as Chloe began to show signs of trust.


“She had those moments where you could tell that they know they are safe, but they just need to fully get there,” Shira observed.


Upon arrival at Darvish’s home, Chloe was again hesitant to leave the car. It was a lot of change in a short time, but with gentle encouragement, she bravely stepped out and entered the house where her new life would soon begin.


Adjusting To A New Home And To Receiving Love

Initially, Chloe found solace in another corner, this time in her new home. Understanding her need for space, Darvish let her stay there, giving her the time she needed to adjust.


chloe hiding in a corner at new home

Source: The Dodo

“On the third day or so, I just started sitting down next to her, and she slowly started eating from my hand, meaning that she is slowly getting closer to me,” Darvish shared with The Dodo.


By the fifth day, Chloe had transformed. She no longer wanted to be apart from Darvish, following him everywhere and showering him with love.


“She followed him everywhere, knew when he was coming home, and looked at him with so much love and appreciation, as only a man’s best friend can do,” Shira noted, touched by the bond they had formed.


chloe in the arms of new owner

Source: The Dodo

“They definitely are soulmates and they definitely cannot live without each other,” Shira concluded, her eyes welling up with happy tears. She was proud to have played a part in creating this special relationship.