Scared Dog Hiding From Kids Throwing Rocks Is Rescued Just In Time

Scared Dog Hiding From Kids Throwing Rocks Is Rescued Just In Time

This story takes us to a small village in Brazil where Mila, a female street puppy suffering from severe anemia, can’t even walk anymore.

But today was not the day she would die, as her guardian angel arrived to the scene just in time to rescue her!


A Critical Rescue

Esdras Andrade is a dedicated animal rescuer from Brazil, who has been rescuing street animals since he was 13.

When he was alerted about Mila’s through a distress call, he didn’t hesitate and came straight away.


He found her extremely malnourished, sick, and too weak to flee from the dangers of the street.

Despite her fear of humans, forged from a lifetime of neglect, Mila had no choice but to surrender to Esdras’s care, marking the first kind human touch she had ever experienced.


Building Trust and Healing

Mila’s journey to recovery was steeped in patience and care.

Initially withdrawn and timid, she showed little of her personality, yet her desperate need for affection was palpable.


Esdras began her rehabilitation by addressing her most immediate physical needs, including a much-needed bath to cleanse her of the grime that marked her difficult past.

Surprisingly, Mila responded to her first bath with a sense of relief and relaxation, as if she understood that her life was taking a turn for the better.

“Mila is feeling much better. For the first time she was bathed, the shower gel made her skin so much softer and scented. The friendliness and gentleness are what we feel from Mila.” said Esdras


A New Beginning

Within just a week in a safe and nurturing environment, there was a noticeable change in Mila.

Her fear began to dissipate, replaced by a budding curiosity about her new surroundings.

She started to eat better, explore her temporary home, and show signs of the gentle, loving nature that had been suppressed by her life on the streets.


Esdras’s care helped unveil Mila’s affectionate temperament, transforming her from a scared, sick puppy into a pleasant and hopeful companion.

Now, she is ready to take the next step in her journey: finding a permanent home where she can fully embrace her new lease on life.

We’re happy to report that less than 15 days after the rescue, Mila has been adopted!


A Call to Action

Mila’s story is a poignant reminder of the harsh realities faced by countless animals and the transformative power of compassion and action.

Through the dedicated efforts of individuals like Esdras and the support of the community, many more animals like Mila can be rescued, rehabilitated, and given a chance at a happy and healthy life.