Puppy Thrown Off A Bridge With Mouth Taped Gets To Thank His Savior

Puppy Thrown Off A Bridge With Mouth Taped Gets To Thank His Savior

On a cold night in Griffith, Indiana, Bob Hoelter’s impromptu decision to walk to the store set off a chain of events that would save a life.

His choice, motivated by a desire for some exercise, led him to a heartbreaking discovery and an incredible act of kindness.


The Heartbreaking Discovery

“I usually drive. That night I decided I needed some exercise,” Hoelter shared.

As Hoelter crossed a bridge on his route, he heard a faint, distressed whimper coming from below.


bridge where louie was found

Source: The Dodo

Concerned, he descended into the dark drain, flashlight in hand, determined to find the source of the cries.

“I get my flashlight out because I always carry a flashlight with me,” Hoelter said. “I got to the bottom. I finally see him!”

There, in the shadows, he found a tiny, shivering puppy with its mouth cruelly taped shut. The sight shocked Hoelter, but he knew he had to act fast.


Racing Against Time

Hoelter carefully wrapped the puppy in his jacket and hurried to the nearby Griffith Animal Hospital, hoping they were still open.


His arrival at the clinic was a moment of urgency that the hospital staff, led by manager Lori Kovacich, would never forget.

Dr. Kovacich quickly took the puppy from Hoelter and rushed him to the veterinary team for immediate care.


Medical Intervention and Recovery

The veterinary staff worked quickly to assess and treat the puppy.


They discovered that he was not only emaciated but also suffered from severe skin damage under the tape, that was probably on him for several days.

The poor pup also had a broken leg, likely caused by being thrown from the bridge and hitting the ground instead of the water.

“A million things go through my mind, trying to absorb this. Bottom line, the evil person/people who are responsible will rot in hell. They already have no compassion, no heart, and are stewing in a miserable day-to-day life. Karma.” shared Dr. Kovavich on a Facebook post.

The team administered antibiotics and set up a cozy recovery area for him, filled with blankets and stuffed animals.


Louie Finds His New Home

While the puppy, named Louie, began his recovery, his story touched many hearts after Dr. Kovacich shared it on the animal hospital’s Facebook page.

Among those moved by Louie’s dire conditions were Mary and Doug Witting, who, after recently losing their own dog, felt compelled to meet him.


“I thought: That cute little face, he needs me. I can give him 24/7 love, and I need him” said Witting.

The connection was instant, and the Wittings decided to adopt Louie, offering him the loving home he deserved.


A Hero Unrecognized... Then Reunited

In the rush of saving Louie, Dr. Kovacich had not managed to get Hoelter’s contact information.

However, fate intervened once more when Hoelter’s niece saw the Facebook post about Louie and recognized the story.


She facilitated a reunion where Louie and Hoelter met again, with Louie running straight to his rescuer in a touching display of recognition and affection.


Reflections on Fate and Purpose

The story of Hoelter and Louie is a prime example of the impact one person can have by being in the right place at the right time.

Hoelter reflects on the experience with a sense of awe and gratitude, thankful that he chose to walk that night and was able to help.


“It makes me think God has a purpose for everyone, to be honest with you. We all have our calling,” Hoelter said. “I’m going to have to walk more often, but I sure don’t want to find more dogs under the bridge.”

Louie’s rescue not only gave him a new lease on life but also brought together a community ready to support him.

Thanks to Hoelter for the rescue, and to the whole vet staff for helping that poor puppy!