Puppy Hiding Under A Car After Attack Finds An Unexpected Forever Home

A Puppy Hiding Under A Car After An Attack Discovers An Unexpected Forever Home

After a terrifying encounter left a little puppy hiding beneath a car, his future seemed uncertain.

But a surprising turn of events led him not only to safety but also to the loving forever home he never expected.


Desperate Escape

After being attacked by a pack of animals in Southern California, Niq, a small Chihuahua, ran for his life and took refuge under a car.

Tucking himself behind one of the rear tires, he waited in fear, hoping his pursuers would lose interest and leave him alone.


puppy beneath the car

Source: Suzette Hall

Fortunately, some neighbors witnessed the incident and quickly called Logan’s Legacy Dog Rescue for help.

Suzette Hall, the founder of the rescue, responded immediately, determined to save the terrified pup.


puppy being rescued from beneath the car

Source: Suzette Hall

“He had a pretty bad wound. He had to have emergency surgery,” said Suzette to The Dodo, reflecting on the severity of Niq’s condition when she found him.


Emergency Care

Suzette swiftly brought Niq to her car and rushed him to Camino Pet Hospital, where a dedicated team of veterinarians was ready to treat him.

The little dog had suffered severe injuries during the attack, and emergency surgery was necessary to save his life.


stitched up wounds of the puppy

Source: Suzette Hall

Despite the successful operation to stitch up his wounds, Niq still wasn’t in the clear. When he awoke from surgery, his condition worsened, and he was acting very ill.

The vets soon discovered why—Niq had tested positive for parvo, a highly contagious and dangerous virus in dogs.

Parvo, or Canine Parvovirus (CPV), is an infectious disease that often proves fatal without proper treatment. According to research by petMD, however, the survival rate for treated dogs ranges from 75% to 80%.



Even so, Niq’s battle was far from over as he now faced not only the aftermath of his traumatic attack but also a potentially deadly illness.


A Strong Spirit

Despite these overwhelming challenges, Niq displayed incredible resilience.

His veterinary team, deeply moved by his determination, continued to provide the best care possible. One vet tech, in particular, formed a special bond with Niq.


puppy slowly recovering

Source: Suzette Hall

“She would stay at the rescue after working hours, keeping Niq company and having playdates filled with never-ending fun,” Suzette shared.


The vet tech couldn’t help but fall in love with the little dog. Each day, she spent extra time with him, helping him through his recovery with kindness and care.


“She fell in love with him,” Suzette said, describing the bond that had formed.


An Unexpected New Home

After a few days of bonding with Niq, the vet tech had a proposal.

She asked Suzette if she could take Niq home over the weekend, hoping that a warm, loving environment might speed up his recovery.

Suzette agreed, delighted to see the special connection between them.


puppy after recovery

Source: Suzette Hall

By Monday morning, Suzette received a message that would change Niq’s life forever. The vet tech had taken Niq home, but she couldn’t bring herself to return him.


“She’d offered to take him home for the weekend, but she couldn’t bring him back. She said, ‘I have to have him. Can I please adopt him?’” Suzette recalled.


From that moment on, Niq became a permanent member of the vet tech’s family, receiving all the love and care he had so desperately needed.

Fully recovered from both his wounds and parvo, Niq now enjoys his new life, filled with joy, warmth, and unconditional love.


puppy with his new family

Source: Suzette Hall

“He’s so happy, and he’s so loved. He now has the perfect forever home,” Suzette said, reflecting on how rewarding it is to witness such transformations.