Tiny Pup Refuses To Leave The Spot Were He Last Saw His Family

Tiny Pup Refuses To Leave The Spot Were He Last Saw His Family

Right around the Fourth of July, residents of a California neighborhood started to notice a tiny pup, sticking to a street corner.

They had never seen him before, and yet he stayed there as if he had always lived on that corner.

Here’s how Nugget went from being abandoned and frightened to finding warmth, love, and the hope of a forever home.


A Corner of Hope and Despair

Nugget’s unwavering loyalty to that street corner suggested that he had been abandoned there.


nugget in the streets

Source: Suzette Hall

He stayed close, seemingly hopeful that his family would return.

“He must’ve been abandoned on that corner, because he waited right there for his family to come back,” said Suzette Hall, founder of Logan’s Legacy dog rescue. “He was so hopeful. But they never showed up.”

No matter where he wandered during the day, Nugget always returned to the corner by nightfall.

Attempts by Good Samaritans to rescue him were futile as he bolted several blocks away but always found his way back.


Fireworks and Frights

The Fourth of July brought with it the chaos of fireworks, which only added to Nugget’s distress.


nugget sticking to his street corner

Source: Suzette Hall

Each time the fireworks started, he would run away but eventually return to his corner.

Despite his fear, he was “so smart,” as Hall noted, because he always knew how to find his way back.


A Trusting Tail

After almost a week, Nugget began recognizing the neighborhood and noticed that kind people were trying to help.

A local cat rescuer, a friend of Hall’s, spotted Nugget and tried to earn his trust.


tiny pup nugget abandoned

Source: Suzette Hall

Although he initially avoided her, one day he appeared at her apartment, knowing she could help him.

She started leaving food outside, and Nugget visited regularly but always returned to his corner.


A New Path Begins

Realizing Nugget needed more help than she could offer, the woman called Logan’s Legacy.

With their expertise, the team managed to lure Nugget into a trap and save him.

“Eventually, we got him trapped, and he was finally saved,” Hall explained. “He just lives up to his name. He’s a little nugget. He’s so cute.”


nugget after the rescue

Source: Suzette Hall

Nugget was immediately taken to Camino Pet Hospital for a checkup, where he received a clean bill of health and a new group of friends.

“Everyone is in love with him at the vet,” Hall said. “One of the vet techs taught him to sit, and they give him baths every other day just because he loves baths so much.”


Awaiting a Forever Family

Nugget’s sweetness and resilience won the hearts of everyone at Camino Pet Hospital, but he’s still waiting for a family to call his own.

Suzette Hall remains optimistic: “He’s just perfection. He deserves an amazing family.”


nugget and suzette

Source: Suzette Hall

While Nugget waits for his forever home, his caregivers at the pet hospital cherish every moment they spend with him.

“To think of how skittish and scared he was compared to now, it’s amazing,” Hall said. “He’s the cutest little guy in the world.”