Heartbroken Owner Leaves Puppy And A Sad Note In Airport Restroom

Heartbroken Owner Leaves Puppy And A Sad Note In Airport Restroom

Chewy is a little pup who had been a victim of abuse and violence, like his owner.

To save him and give him a chance in life, his owner decided to abandon him.


Chewy Was Found In A Terrible State

A 3-month-old Chihuahua named Chewy was discovered frightened and injured in a restroom at the Las Vegas airport.

At first, the woman who found him assumed he had been cruelly abandoned. However, a closer inspection revealed a much more complex and heartbreaking story.


Next to Chewy was a letter explaining his situation. His owner was fleeing an abusive relationship and couldn’t afford to bring him along on the flight. The note read:


“Hi! I’m Chewy! My owner was in an abusive relationship and couldn’t afford me to get on the flight. She didn’t want to leave me with all her heart, but she had NO other option. My ex-boyfriend kicked my dog when we were fighting and he has a big knot on his head. He probably needs a vet. I love Chewy sooo much — please love and take care of him.”


Imagining the fear Chewy must have felt, the woman who found him decided to help.

She took Chewy to Connor and Millie’s Dog Rescue, where he was warmly welcomed, and his journey to recovery began.


A Fresh Start

Chewy was immediately taken to the ER, where he was found to have no serious injuries.


A local vet then performed a thorough checkup, including all necessary vaccinations and a fecal test to ensure his overall health. With proper care and attention, Chewy soon recovered and was ready to find his forever home.

Connor and Millie’s Dog Rescue shared his story on Facebook, quickly attracting the attention of potential adopters. Before long, Chewy found a loving family.


Chewy Is Now Healthy And Happy

Now, Chewy is not only a beloved member of his new family but also a symbol of hope at Connor and Millie’s Dog Rescue. His story highlights the many animals with similar experiences who need loving homes.


If you find yourself unable to care for your pet, please take them to a local rescue.

And if you’re looking to add a new furry friend to your family, consider adopting from a shelter.