Old Dog Given A Month To Live Keeps Living Her Best Life For Another Full Year

Old Dog Given A Month To Live Keeps Living Her Best Life For Another Full Year

In Dallas, Texas, the touching story of a 19-year-old black Labrador retriever mix named Annie captivated hearts across the nation.

Her journey from being surrendered to a shelter to becoming an internet sensation is a prime example of the difference a little love can make in a senior dog’s life.


A Heartbreaking Discovery

Annie’s story began in despair, when she was found in a dire state at a shelter in Dallas.

The information on her was pretty limited – only her name, age, and the sad details that she wouldn’t walk or eat.


Lauren Siler, touched by Annie’s critical situation upon seeing her picture, knew immediately that she had to help.

“I had recently gone through that heartache and saw firsthand when a dog was telling you it’s time to go” said Lauren. “I felt mentally and emotionally prepared to take on a dog that wasn’t going to have long.”

With her friend and roommate, Lisa Flores, Lauren reached out to the Pawerful Rescue to foster Annie, despite knowing the Labrador mix might not have long to live.


The Power of Love

What followed was nothing short of miraculous.


Contrary to expectations that Annie might only survive a month, she thrived for a whole year under Lauren’s care.

Lauren, who had experience with senior dogs, felt emotionally prepared to give Annie the best final days. However, Annie’s resilient spirit had other plans, leading to a year filled with newfound joys and adventures.


A Bucket List of Adventures

Determined to make every moment count,

Lauren and Lisa created a bucket list for Annie, which included activities like celebrating Christmas in July and going on a hamburger tour.


As Annie’s story spread online, her Instagram following burgeoned to over 36,000 people who eagerly followed her adventures.

The community’s involvement grew even more when Lauren encouraged followers to send Valentine’s cards to Annie, enhancing her daily joys and interactions.


Celebrating “Flat Annie”

Annie’s physical limitations didn’t stop her from traveling the world, thanks to her followers who printed out her photo and took her on their travels, dubbing her “Flat Annie.”


This initiative was inspired by the “Flat Stanley” project and allowed Annie to be part of adventures spanning all 50 states and numerous countries, further solidifying her status as an internet darling.

“People kept telling us she was having so much fun and enjoying life and that kept her going, and I hope that was the case. I hope she was having so much fun that she just wanted to keep living life.” shared Lauren.


A Bittersweet Goodbye

The highest point of Annie’s year of adventures was an “Annie-versary” celebration, which brought together over 50 people who had been touched by her story


However, the celebration was bittersweet. Later that day, it became clear to Lauren that it was time to say goodbye.

In a compassionate and heart-wrenching decision, Annie was euthanized at the vet, surrounded by those who loved her.


A Legacy of Love

Annie’s passing was a difficult moment to share with the world, yet the support from her online community was overwhelming.

The experience affirmed the impact Annie had on so many lives and underscored the beauty of her final year – a year filled with love, care, and dignity.


Reflecting on the journey, Lauren expressed a desire to continue fostering senior dogs in the future, honoring Annie’s memory by giving other dogs the same chance at a loving end of life.

“I owe it to Annie to keep saving and keep fostering these senior dogs. I just need a little bit of a break. I need my heart to heal a tiny bit,” she said.

Her message to those moved by Annie’s story is simple: contribute in any way you can, whether by adopting, fostering, volunteering, or donating.