3-Day-Old Albino Pup Wasn’t Expected To Survive, Look At Him Now

3-Day-Old Albino Pup Wasn't Expected To Survive, Look At Him Now

In California, a litter of puppies was heartlessly abandoned by a backyard breeder, leaving them in desperate need of help.

Among them was a tiny pup, no more than 3 days old, clinging to life.

When a woman received the call about this dire situation, she knew she had to act fast. The entire litter was in critical condition, but one little pup, later named Lucky, was in the worst shape of all.


A Fighting Spirit

Clanay Reza, a compassionate animal lover and independent rescuer, rushed to save the puppies.

She found them huddled under their mother, who had tragically passed away.


Lucky, the smallest of the group, was no bigger than a baby hamster and was barely hanging on.

Despite being given almost no chance of survival, Clanay refused to give up on him. She fed him formula every twenty minutes, staying awake for days to ensure he was still breathing.


“I never knew if tomorrow was promised for him,” Clanay shared on Instagram, recalling the exhausting first weeks of Lucky’s life.


Unfortunately, Lucky’s siblings didn’t survive, leaving him as the sole survivor of the litter.


Overcoming Obstacles

Although Lucky’s life was no longer in immediate danger, his challenges were far from over.

As his eyes opened, he was diagnosed with a yeast infection and a corneal ulcer, leading to the removal of one eye.


At ten weeks old, Lucky was also diagnosed with albinism, a condition resulting from inbreeding.


“He’s had a rollercoaster of a life his first year, but I am thankful for all the bumps in the road,” Clanay reflected. “They just made my love for him grow stronger.”


Lucky’s Happy Ending

Today, Lucky is 8 years old and living his best life.


Despite his rough start, he’s now a fluffy, quirky, and loving member of the family.

Due to his condition, Reza puts special UV-protected goggles on his eyes to protect him from the sun when outside, as he is more at risk of skin cancers. He loves them and is very funny wearing them!


His incredible fighting spirit has turned him into a strong and confident dog who adores everyone, especially children.

Recently, Lucky became a big brother to a new baby sister, and he couldn’t be happier, always by her side and enjoying naps together.


Lucky is now living up to his name as the luckiest dog, surrounded by love and happiness.