Injured Puppy Rescued After Being Found Dragging Herself Through Grass

Injured Puppy Rescued After Being Found Dragging Herself Through Grass

When she saw a struggling puppy dragging its body across the grass, Edina immediately went to the rescue.

Today, discover Rossie’s rescue story, which fortunately comes to a happy ending.


A Heartbreaking Scene

When Edina arrived, she found a devastating sight.


The puppy, later named Rossie, was unable to stand and was painfully dragging herself across the grass.

Terrified and in immense pain, Rossie cried out and tried to crawl away from Edina. It was clear that Rossie’s legs were likely broken, possibly from a car accident.

“She looked at us with tears in her eyes, as if she was saying… please, help me,” Edina recalled.


A Frightened Pup In Urgent Need Of Care

Earning Rossie’s trust was not easy. She was scared of people, probably due to past traumas.

It was heartbreaking to see her in such a state, but Edina and her friends knew they had to act fast. They rushed Rossie to a veterinary clinic for urgent care.


At the clinic, Rossie remained shy and fearful, trying to hide from everyone.

X-rays confirmed that both of her hind legs were broken, and she would need surgery to insert fixators. Despite her fear, Rossie underwent surgery the next day, which was a success.


The Recovery Was Faster Than Expected

Rossie’s recovery journey was nothing short of miraculous. Just three days after surgery, she began to walk again, slowly but surely. Though still wary of people, she made incredible progress each day. Her resilience and bravery inspired everyone around her.


“It’s unbelievable what these little souls can survive,” Edina said. “She needs a lot of love, but I’m sure she also has a lot of love to give.”


Little by little, Rossie started to trust people again. Although she remained shy, she gradually warmed up to the kindness around her.

After 38 days, Rossie had made a full recovery and could walk normally on all four paws. She received vaccines and a clean bill of health from the vet.


Beginning Of A New Life

Rossie’s transformation from a scared, injured puppy to a happy, playful dog was remarkable. She overcame her fear of people and began to enjoy cuddles and affection.

Eventually, a loving family from England adopted Rossie, giving her the forever home she deserved.


Now, Rossie is thriving in her new environment, surrounded by love and care.