Dog Missing For 3 Days Finally Found And Rescued From Storm Drain

Dog Missing For 3 Days Finally Found And Rescued From Storm Drain

In Rockland County, New York, a small dog named Toto, found himself embarking on an unintentional adventure and getting lost.

This sparked a community-wide search, that thankfully ended with a heartwarming rescue.


A Neighbor’s Love

Toto, a 16-year-old Lhasa Apso, didn’t just wander out of a fairytale.

He had been a cherished part of Anna Marie Miller’s life for over eight years, adopted from a neighbor who had passed away.

“He was my neighbor’s dog, and my neighbor passed away, so I kept him,” Anna Marie recounted in an interview with ABC News.


An Unexpected Adventure

The panic began one Tuesday, when the smoke alarm went off in Anna Marie’s home.

At the time, her niece was home alone with the dog, and she opened the front door for a brief moment to let the smoke out.

That’s when Toto slipped out the front door!


toto stuck in the storm drain

Source: Facebook

Anna Marie returned home to find her beloved dog missing, prompting an immediate and widespread call for help on Facebook.


A Community Comes Together

The response was immediate and heartwarming, with neighbors joining the search for Toto, combing the area but finding no trace of him.

“I thought maybe he was in a ditch someplace, or he was in the woods and that he died,” a distressed Miller shared. “I was praying that they would find him.”

Her concern reflected the bond they shared, highlighting the emotional toll of losing a pet.

She added “You know, you get attached to them. They’re just like part of the family. And he is a good dog.”


A Miraculous Rescue

Three days into the search, Anna Marie was starting to lose hope.

That’s when a neighbor heard a faint bark near Miller’s house. Following the sounds led to a startling discovery: Toto was trapped in a storm drain, having likely been there since his disappearance.


toto rescued from the storm drain

Source: Facebook

Without hesitation, the neighbor contacted Anna Marie and the local police.

The rescue operation was swift, with the Haverstraw Police Department, Officer Walter Vega, Sergeant Steven Rosado, and the Village of West Haverstraw Department of Public Works collaborating to save Toto

Their successful efforts were joyously announced on the police department’s Facebook page, celebrating the reunion of Toto and his owner:

“This morning, PO Walter Vega and Sgt. Steven Rosado along with the Village of West Haverstraw DPW rescued a small dog from a storm drain that had been missing for three days. The dog was reunited with its owner 🐾. Great job by all involved and special thanks to the Village of West Haverstraw DPW for removing the storm drain.”


toto safe and sound

Source: Facebook


Aftermath and Recovery

The events left Toto traumatized and initially unable to eat, a concern for Anna Marie who immediately sought veterinary care.

“I’m giving him a few days, you know, and see. He’s not eating or anything. But, I think it takes time, you know?” Anna Marie expressed, hoping that everything would return to normal after a couple of days.


Here’s the video of the rescue: