Goldendoodle Hero Rescues Drowning Fawn And Forms Special Bond

Goldendoodle Hero Rescues Drowning Fawn and Forms Special Bond

Harley, a lovable six-year-old Goldendoodle, became an unexpected hero when he saved a fawn from drowning in a lake.

His dad spotted him 200 feet from the shore. Terrified at first, he then realized his dog was on a rescue mission!

Here’s the full story.


A Brave And Selfless Act

It was a regular day when Harley spotted the helpless fawn struggling in the water. Without a moment’s hesitation, Harley sprang into action, diving into the lake to rescue the frightened animal.


harley saving the fawn from drowning

Source: Dailymail

Harley’s owners, Ralph and Patricia Dorn, were astonished by what they saw. Ralph recalls running down to the lake, seeing Harley swimming with determination, guiding the fawn towards safety.


getting out from the water

Source: Dailymail

Each time the fawn attempted to veer off course, Harley gently nudged it back, slowly but surely bringing it closer to the shore. It was a remarkable sight as Harley, with patience and care, ensured the fawn reached land safely.


An Unexpected Friendship Was Made

The rescue didn’t just end at the water’s edge.


harley taking care of the fawn

Source: Dailymail

The very next morning, the fawn was heard calling for Harley outside the Dorns’ house. Intrigued, Harley went out to find the little fawn waiting for him.

They touched noses and sniffed each other, and it was clear that a unique bond had formed between them.


“He just has this good heart in him that he naturally does the right thing.” Patricia observed.


The fawn, despite being from a different species, recognized Harley as a friend and protector. Their new friendship shows that animals can form strong bonds, even if they are different kinds.


harley and fawn becoming friends the next morning

Source: Dailymail

For Ralph and Patricia, seeing Harley rescue the fawn and become friends with it was really touching and they couldn’t be prouder.