Owner Crosses Country To Reunite With Her Dog After 17 Days Missing

Owner Crosses Country To Reunite With Her Dog After 17 Days Missing

A truck driver from Maryland, Roughiatou Sotelo, faced heartbreak while traveling through Santa Fe, New Mexico, when her beloved dog, Panfilo, went missing.


Looking For Panfilo Everywhere

Panfilo, a two-year-old pup who adored traveling alongside Sotelo in her truck, suddenly ran off in the unfamiliar city.


panfilo and sotelo in the truck

Source: The Dodo

Despite searching tirelessly around Santa Fe, she couldn’t find him and eventually had to return to Maryland, devastated and without her furry companion.

But Sotelo wasn’t ready to give up.

From Maryland, she continued her search online every day, checking local shelter websites, lost pet groups, and any resource she could find.


lost panfilo in new mexico

Source: The Dodo

Though 1,800 miles away, she refused to lose hope, determined to reunite with her beloved Panfilo.

Meanwhile, Panfilo wandered the streets of Santa Fe, alone and scared.


Rescued In New Mexico

Luckily, Santa Fe City Animal Services found Panfilo and brought him to the Santa Fe Animal Shelter & Humane Society, where he received care, medical attention, and lots of love.


panfilo in the truck

Source: The Dodo

The shelter staff named him “Hopper” and made sure he was as comfortable as possible, giving him enrichment activities and working with volunteers to ease his stress.

Little did they know, Panfilo’s real owner was desperately searching for him from across the country.

Days passed until Sotelo finally came across the shelter’s listing for Hopper. The moment she saw his picture, she immediately recognized her lost Panfilo.

Overcome with relief, she contacted the shelter and booked the next available flight to Santa Fe.


An Emotional Reunion At The End

Seventeen days after Panfilo went missing, Sotelo arrived at the shelter. The reunion between the two was nothing short of heartwarming.


sotelo reunited with panfilo

Source: The Dodo

As soon as Panfilo saw his mom, his tail wagged furiously, and he showered her with affection. Tears flowed as Sotelo hugged her long-lost dog, overjoyed to finally have him back in her arms.


Shelter staff also teared up, witnessing such a beautiful moment between the reunited pair.

With Panfilo safe by her side, Sotelo and her pup set off on their next adventure—this time, heading back to Maryland together, just as they always should have been.


The shelter shared the touching story, saying, “Stories like this make us all smile a little wider and remind us that pets are truly family.”


This heartwarming tale of love, resilience, and an incredible reunion proves that, no matter how far apart, our loved ones are never truly lost if we never stop looking.