Adorable Puppy Found In A Box Gets A Second Chance For Life

Adorable Puppy Found In A Box Gets A Second Chance For Life

I find it hard to believe that we live in a world where someone would just abandon their loving pup on the side of the road.

Left in a box, with a worm in his eye, poor pup Alberto was helpless.

As disappointing as it can be to face this harsh reality, it’s equally as wonderful to know that some humans would give everything to make it right, and save these little doggos.


Surviving In A Box

Imagine stumbling upon a small, fragile pup, left alone in a cardboard box, the trust he placed in humans shattered by abandonment.

This was the heartbreaking reality for Alberto, a doggie of great spirit but unfortunate circumstances.

With a worm in his eye – a distressing symbol of his neglect – Alberto’s future seemed grim.


alberto found in a box

Source: Youtube

Yet, fate had a different plan, thanks to the compassionate souls at Paticas Por Ayudar, including the kind woman from the Paws Show’s video.

Finding Alberto in such a state, she was moved to tears and determination.

“Who could have a rotten heart to do such a thing? I can’t leave him alone,” she said.

As they nursed him back to health, Alberto’s box of misery transformed into a box of hope.


alberto healing at the vet

Source: Youtube

The journey was met with challenges, including a battle against eye worms, a condition where flies prey on a dog’s tears. But with expert care and surgery, Alberto was spared from blindness, embarking on a remarkable road to recovery.


A New Chapter

Against all odds, Alberto thrived.

His journey started from being a barely surviving pup to a playful, joyful dog. Today, he enjoys the love and company of his saviors and furry companions alike.


alberto feeling better after the vet

Source: Youtube

His appetite for life and affectionate nature make it hard to believe the dark place from which his journey began.

The woman who helped save him shares updates on his recovery.

“Here, we continue with Alberto’s recovery going on little by little, but surely, every day, he gets better. My beautiful doll, my love, my tender, small, noble, tenderly pampered child.”

We were so relieved to see Alberto make a full recovery, and couldn’t agree more with the words of his savior.


alberto finally fully recovered

Source: Youtube

The dedication of those at Paticas Por Ayudar and the kindness of individuals willing to extend their hearts and homes to animals in need is nothing short of inspirational.

We thank them all for their loving actions!