Abandoned Senior Dog Found In Rubble Grows To Trust Again

Abandoned Senior Dog Found In Rubble Grows To Trust Again

Hanni is a senior dog who was discovered in poor condition under debris at a construction site.

More than just suffering from abandonment, it was evident from her fearful, grumpy demeanor and complete lack of trust that Hanni had endured significant abuse and neglect.

Fortunately, her rescue gave her the chance to start her journey to recovery and a new family.


Rescued From The Rubble, Hanni Was Terrified Of Humans

Hanni’s story began in despair. Discovered by a construction worker after days of hiding among ruins, she was in a dire state.


Grumpy and refusing food or water, it was clear that Hanni had faced severe neglect and abuse.

Her distrust of humans was palpable, reacting negatively to any approach.



Hanni’s Health Condition Needed Immediate Care

Once rescued after a long moment of trying, Hanni was immediately taken to a clinic where her condition proved critical.

She was infested with ticks and diagnosed with parvo disease, a condition that required urgent and intensive care including intravenous fluids.


Beyond her immediate medical needs, Hanni was severely malnourished, having not eaten properly for months.


A Gradual Healing, Both Physically And Psychologically

As days turned into weeks, Hanni began to physically recover.

She responded well to her treatments and slowly started to regain her strength. However, her emotional scars were deep, and it took longer for her to start trusting humans again.


Her journey wasn’t just about healing her body but also healing her heart.

At the shelter, Hanni transformed. From a timid, scared dog, she became lively and affectionate.

She loved to play fetch and enjoyed her walks around the shelter. Her appetite returned and with it, her strength.


Hanni was no longer the distrustful dog that had been rescued from the construction site; she was ready to trust and love again.


Finding A Furever Home

When Maria heard about Hanni, she knew she had to help.

She adopted Hanni, providing her with a loving home filled with warmth and comfort.


Hanni adapted quickly to her new environment, enjoying the luxuries of a cozy bed and even stylish princess clothes, making her look every bit the princess she truly was.


Today, Hanni lives happily in her new castle, surrounded by love and care. Her difficult past a distant memory, she enjoys her days in comfort and peace.