Senior Chihuahua Scheduled For Euthanasia Surprised Everyone By Proving Vets Wrong

Senior Chihuahua Scheduled For Euthanasia Surprised Everyone By Proving Vets Wrong

At 16 years old, Bitty the Chihuahua was found on the street and taken to a shelter, where his frail condition led staff to believe he wouldn’t survive.

Marked for euthanasia, Bitty’s fate seemed sealed, but he had other plans for his future.


Rescuing Bitty

Fortunately, someone at the shelter saw potential in Bitty and decided to give him another shot at life.


They placed him in temporary care, hoping to find him a permanent home. Gloria, a veterinary clinic worker who often fostered animals, heard about Bitty and was immediately drawn to him.

She decided to foster him, curious to see if this senior dog could be a good fit for her family.


Six months later, Bitty became an official member of Gloria’s household, joining her other 13 dogs.


A New Beginning

Despite his new home, Bitty’s health did not improve right away.

He refused to eat or drink, and Gloria suspected his difficult past was to blame.


He’s been through a lot. Sometimes I wish he could tell me, but at the same time, I’m happy that he can’t because it would break my heart what he’s gone through,” she shared.


Determined to give Bitty the life he deserved, Gloria devoted herself to his recovery. Over time, Bitty’s health and spirit improved, revealing a gentle and loving personality.


He’s very calm and confident, and he’s just a really gentle, quiet dog,” said Gloria.


Although not very vocal, Bitty found ways to express himself with little sounds, letting his new family know exactly what he wanted.


A Remarkable Transformation

Bitty’s remarkable recovery stunned his veterinarians, who had once lost hope.


He went from a frail, lethargic pup to one who loved being outside, running, and playing. His transformation not only gave Bitty a new lease on life but also deeply impacted Gloria.


He is truly the light of my life. I keep asking him how he could have ever survived on the streets,” Gloria marveled.


Bitty even displayed some cat-like behaviors, grooming himself and enjoying the company of Gloria’s cats, leading her to believe he may have lived with cats in his previous life.

Regardless of his quirks, Gloria and her family find these traits endearing, and they cherish every moment with him.


There was something about him where I just felt like you’re meant to be with me, and I’m meant to take care of you,” she said.


Defying the odds, Bitty now lives a life filled with love, joy, and companionship.

Surrounded by adoring humans and furry friends, he enjoys the simple pleasures of running, playing, and cuddling on the couch.

And after everything he’s endured, Bitty truly deserves every bit of happiness that’s come his way.