Dog Mom Gives Birth On The Street And Gets Rescued With Pups Just In Time

Dog Mom Gives Birth On The Streets And Gets Rescued With Pups Just In Time

This is the story of an abandoned mama dog who had to give birth on the street.

Fortunately, she was rescued along with her puppies, giving them a chance for a better life and hope for the future.


Abandoned At The Worst Time

Her previous owners left her when she needed them the most. Now, with no home and a litter on the way, she faced the hardest moment of her life alone.

As labor began, there was no time to find shelter. She had to give birth on a piece of cardboard, right on the street.


dog momma giving birth in the street

Source: Pet Adoption

Despite her exhaustion, she brought six puppies into the world, though heartbreakingly, two of them didn’t make it.


Protective Instincts

Worn out and weak, the mother dog still had the instinct to protect her newborns.


dog momma with her pups in the street

Source: Pet Adoption

When rescuers approached, she used what little strength she had left to defend them, not knowing they were there to help.

The rescue team faced aggressive behavior three times before they could safely capture the mother and her four surviving puppies. She didn’t understand that these people were different from those who had abandoned her.


Safe And Healthy

Once at the shelter, the team ensured she had enough food and care.


happy momma with her puppies

Source: Pet Adoption

The mother, who had been starving, ate three meals that first day, consuming about five pounds of liver.

Her puppies, thankfully, began to thrive.


dog momma ate 3 meals after delivery

Source: Pet Adoption

Over the next 48 hours, the puppies opened their eyes and started to experience the joy of being safe and cared for. The mother, still wary, slowly began to understand she was in a safe place.

Thanks to the dedicated rescuers, this dog and her puppies have a chance at the life they deserve. The mother dog will need time to heal and learn to trust humans again, but she is no longer alone in her struggle.