Frightened Lost Pup Halts Cars In Traffic, Begging For Rescue

olivia the poor pup that stopped traffic

When a small, frightened pup found herself wandering alone through busy traffic, she had no way to ask for help—except by going up to cars and pleading with her eyes.

Little did she know, her desperate call would touch the hearts of the right people and lead her to a new beginning.


Rescuing Olivia From The Road

Rosa Fond, the founder of Humans and Animals United, was moved to tears when she first saw the heartbreaking video of a small pup weaving through heavy traffic, desperately pleading for help.


“We don’t know how long she was out there waiting to be rescued,” Fond said to The Dodo. “A defenseless dog who can’t speak our language, asking for help the only way she knew how: just by going up to cars.”


Immediately, Fond and her team put together a plan to rescue the sweet dog, later named Olivia.

Soon after, a representative from the rescue went to meet Olivia at the Miami-Dade shelter. When they sent Fond a photo of the pup, her heart broke.


“She was sad with her little tongue sticking out, probably waiting for the family that would never come to look for her. It shattered me to see her that way,” Fond recalled.


After safely getting Olivia into the car, they headed to the rescue. Olivia looked confused, unaware that her life was about to take a positive turn.

The rescue team adored her from the start and was determined to help her find happiness.


Safe At Her Loving Foster Home

The following day, Olivia moved into a warm, loving foster home. That night, she curled up in a cozy bed for the first time, finally feeling safe and cared for.


During a visit to the vet, Olivia received treatment for her skin condition and kennel cough. With each day that passed, she began to blossom, her wide smile lighting up her foster family’s hearts.

Her foster family fell in love with her “princess-like” personality. They quickly discovered that Olivia had a way of convincing them to cater to her every whim. They simply couldn’t resist her charm.


In her foster home, Olivia is thriving.

She loves watching TV and hanging out with her foster siblings. Most importantly, she’s soaking up all the love her family gives her — something she never had to experience before.

It’s clear that this sweet girl will soon find a forever home, filled with love and care. Like all dogs, Olivia is worthy of a life of happiness, and it’s heartwarming to see her getting closer to that dream.

The rescue team, especially Fond, is grateful to the kind driver who didn’t ignore Olivia’s silent plea for help.

Thanks to that driver and the dedicated rescue team, Olivia is now safe and loved.