Stray Pup Who Used To Look Like A Rat Now Has A Beautiful Fluffy Coat

Stray Pup Who Used To Look Like A Rat Now Has A Beautiful Fluffy Coat

Cahaya was a stray pup in desperate need of medical attention, waiting so long for help that he nearly lost hope. His situation seemed dire as he lay on the side of the road, weak and missing most of his fur.

But just when things seemed darkest, everything changed.


A Chance Encounter

One day, a kind woman named Kristy noticed Cahaya.


cahaya after rescue

Source: @sanshinspirit

At first, she wasn’t even sure if he was a dog—he was so emaciated and frail. But seeing his condition, she knew she had to help. Cahaya was so weak that walking was a struggle.

Kristy immediately took him to the vet, where he was diagnosed with mange and tapeworm.

Despite his poor health, Cahaya’s luck began to turn around. Kristy decided to foster him, bringing him home and giving him the care he desperately needed.


rescuer holding cahaya

Source: The Dodo

As she held him like a baby, Cahaya gazed up at her with gratitude, never taking his eyes off his new protector.


“I’m just holding him, and he is just looking up at me. He was just the sweetest little thing,” Kristy recalled with The Dodo.


On The Road To Recovery

In the early days, Cahaya spent most of his time curled up and sleeping. Kristy understood that his body needed rest to start healing.

Slowly but surely, he began to relax and regain his strength, always staying close to his foster mom and showering her with kisses.


Within a few weeks, Cahaya’s transformation was remarkable.

He grew more energetic, began playing, and even managed to climb the stairs. His physical appearance improved too—he gained weight, his skin healed, and his fur grew back thick and fluffy.


Kristy marveled at his transformation, saying, “I can’t believe how fluffy and furry he is now. When I found him, he looked like a rat.”


The once hopeless puppy had turned into a lively, joyful dog, full of energy and love. Cahaya brought immense happiness into Kristy’s life, and his endless energy and affection brightened every day.


“… There was just something about him that was exuding this little light. He is just endless energy and endless love,” she said to The Dodo.


A Fresh Start With New Pawrents

Though Kristy adored Cahaya, she knew she couldn’t provide him with a permanent home.

Determined to find him the best possible family, she shared his story on Instagram, hoping to connect him with someone who could give him the life he deserved.



It wasn’t long before a wonderful family saw Cahaya’s photo and fell in love.

When they met him, the bond was immediate—Cahaya ran straight into his new mom’s arms, smiling from ear to ear. While he would always remember Kristy, he was excited to start a new chapter with his forever family.

Now, Cahaya is thriving in his new home, surrounded by love and care.