Two Stray Dogs Watch Over Blind Woman By The River

Two Stray Dogs Watch Over Blind Woman By The River

In Nepal, a photo taken by local passerby Ake Srisuwan has gone viral, touching hearts around the world.

The image shows two dogs standing guard over a woman sleeping by the river, highlighting how incredibly loyal dogs can be.


A Very Moving Scene

Although little is known about the context of the photo, it powerfully demonstrates a dog’s loyalty.


The woman, reportedly blind, was sleeping on the riverbank, covered in mud and water. One dog lay right beside her, while the other stood a few meters away, both keeping watch.


This touching scene was captured by Ake, who was moved by the dogs’ unwavering devotion to their companion. Despite being homeless themselves, the dogs displayed the qualities that make them so beloved.


All Three Were Helped Out

The viral photo prompted local authorities to find the woman and her loyal dogs.


They ensured all three received immediate medical care and treatment.

This story quickly spread across local and international media, shining a light on the incredible bond between dogs and their humans.


Stray Dogs Are A Major Issue In Nepal

stray dogs living trying to survive

Source: Unsplash

Nepal faces a significant issue with stray dogs.

According to Online Khabar, there are thousands of abandoned dogs on the streets, with around 30,000 in Kathmandu alone. Without a strategy to address this problem, many dogs suffer from malnourishment and diseases due to unhygienic conditions.

We hope that this story inspires people and the government to take action and provide shelter and care for stray dogs in Nepal.