2 Abandoned Pups Were Looking For Help, But Refused To Leave Each Other’s Side

2 Abandoned Pups Were Looking For Help, But Refused To Leave Each Other's Side

In a heartwarming rescue story from Southern California, two inseparable dogs, a pit bull and a Yorkie-mix, have captured the hearts of animal lovers everywhere.

Found curled up together on a street corner, they refused to leave each other’s side.


A Chance Discovery

The duo was first noticed by a concerned passerby who saw them huddled on a street corner.

Despite asking around, no one in the neighborhood claimed or recognized the dogs, prompting the woman to contact Logan’s Legacy dog rescue for help.


thelma and louise looking desperate

Source: Suzette Hall

When Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy, arrived, she was instantly struck by the pair’s closeness, describing them as “little partners in crime,” reminiscent of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito in the movie Twins.


Immediate Connection

Upon Hall’s arrival, the change in the dogs’ behavior was instant.

They went from desperate to overjoyed, wiggling their tails and looking at each other as if in disbelief that help had finally arrived.


thelma and louise looking hopeful

Source: Suzette Hall

The smaller Yorkie-mix, showing no hesitation, ran straight to Hall, followed eagerly by the pit bull.

Their actions clearly showed the deep bond they shared, making it evident they were a package deal.


Rescue and Relief

Hall’s experience with rescues usually involved a bit of persuasion, but these two required none.

The Yorkie-mix willingly let herself be picked up, a sign of her desperate need for affection and safety.


suzette rescuing thelma and louise

Source: Suzette Hall

The pit bull, initially more cautious, couldn’t bear to be separated from her companion and soon followed into the car, pressing her nose against the window to stay close to her friend.

“She kept going up to the window, and they would just wiggle their tails at each other,” Hall said. “I tried to get the pittie on a leash, but she wasn’t letting that happen. So, I finally opened up the door, and she just jumped in.”


A New Chapter Begins

Once safe in Hall’s care, the dogs, named Thelma (the pit bull) and Louise (the Yorkie-mix), were taken to Camino Pet Hospital for a thorough checkup.


Both passed their vet checks and were soon on their way to recovery.

Thelma was treated for a skin rash while Louise needed grooming to address her matted fur.


Looking for a Forever Home

As they recuperate, the focus has turned to finding Thelma and Louise a forever home where they can stay together.

The bond they share is so profound that it wouldn’t even make sense to think about separating them.


They are currently looking for a loving foster or permanent home where they can continue to provide comfort and joy to each other.


The Power of Friendship

Thelma and Louise’s story shows us that friendship knows no bounds, and it’s this unbreakable bond that carried them through their hardships.

“This was one of my favorite rescues ever,” Hall said. “You could just tell that they were best friends.”


thelma and louise sleeping together

Source: Suzette Hall

Hall reflects on the rescue as one of her favorites, not only because of the successful outcome but also because of the clear, deep friendship between Thelma and Louise.

We hope they both find their new furever home soon!