Muddy Puppy Rescued By Construction Workers Turns Out To Be Something Else

Muddy Puppy Rescued By Construction Workers Turns Out To Be Something Else

While working on a construction site, some workers found what they thought was a puppy fighting for his life in a deep muddy hole.

After rescuing him, they discovered it wasn’t a pup but a fox!


Workers Saved The Animal From Sure Death

Construction workers at a building site in London’s Canary Wharf noticed something moving in one of the deep, muddy pits.

Upon closer inspection, they found a helpless puppy struggling to stay afloat. The workers quickly banded together to rescue the desperate animal, realizing that he couldn’t escape on his own.


supposed puppy when rescued from the muddy pit

Source: Dailymail

The poor creature was covered in thick, dried sludge from head to toe and on the verge of collapse.


After First Aid, They Discovered That It Was Actually A Fox

Once pulled from the pit, the exhausted puppy was taken to the South Essex Wildlife Hospital in Orsett, United Kingdom.

The vet staff immediately set to work, cleaning off the thick layers of mud that coated his fur.


vet taking care of muddsey

Source: Dailymail

The team was shocked when, beneath the grime, they discovered the animal wasn’t a puppy at all, but a four-month-old fox cub!


Muddsey’s New Beginning

The fox cub was given food and water and quickly began to recover from the ordeal.

The hospital staff was relieved to see the little fox bounce back so quickly, knowing that he wouldn’t have survived much longer in the pit.

They named him Muddsey as a nod to the state in which he was found.


clean and treated fox

Source: Dailymail

The South Essex Wildlife Hospital continues to care for him, ensuring he has everything he needs to thrive.

Muddsey’s story could have ended in tragedy, but thanks to the quick actions of the construction workers, he was given a second chance at life.