Stray Pup Finds Forever Home After Being Thrown From Car

Stray Pup Finds Forever Home After Being Thrown From Car

Getting tossed out of a car and left alone is a rough life for any puppy.

For months, little Pobrecito wandered the streets, looking for food and help.

He faced a lot of hard times, but hope was just around the corner for this tough little pup.


A Name That Says It All

A little puppy named Pobrecito was abandoned one day and left to wander the streets of San Diego, California.


pobrecito was found alone in the street

Source: The Moho

Without anyone to care for him, Pobrecito faced the challenge of finding food and dealing with unkind strangers.

As time went on, his days grew more difficult, and he longed for a loving home.

Pobrecito, meaning “poor thing” in Spanish, perfectly described the challenges he faced. His sad plight evoked empathy from those who saw him struggling on the streets.


Pobrecito Finally Got Rescued And Nursed Back To Health

Fortunately, a kind neighbor noticed Pobrecito and contacted a team of dedicated rescuers.

These compassionate individuals quickly came to his aid, determined to change his life.


pobrecito desease

Source: The Moho

They searched the streets until they found Pobrecito, offering him food and patiently earning his trust. The mission was tricky, but the team succeeded in making Pobrecito feel safe.

Recognizing his dire condition, the rescue team brought Pobrecito to a caring veterinary clinic.

The skilled professionals worked tirelessly to provide the medical attention he desperately needed.


pobrecito at the vet

Source: The Moho

From the second day, Pobrecito’s spirits lifted as he began his recovery journey, growing less afraid and trusting his rescuers more each day.


A Remarkable And Quick Transformation

After eight days under the vet’s care, Pobrecito moved to his rescuer’s home, where he continued to receive medical attention and nourishing food.


pobrecito transformation

Source: The Moho

In just eleven days, Pobrecito transformed from a frightened, scruffy pup into a joyful and playful companion.

The community rallied together, offering love and resources that made his recovery possible.


before after rescue

Source: The Moho


From Pobrecito to Buddy

As Pobrecito eagerly wagged his tail and played with his rescuers, it was clear he had become their friend. They knew it was time to find him a forever home.

When his new mom came to pick him up, she decided to name him Buddy. The name perfectly captured his joyful, playful nature and their special connection.


happy buddy

Source: The Moho

Now called Buddy, the little pup embraced his new name with delight, responding with a wagging tail and affectionate licks.

From that moment on, he was no longer Pobrecito, the lonely stray, but Buddy, the cherished and beloved pup.