Homeless Man And His Dogs Caught Celebrating Birthday In The Streets

Homeless Man And His Dogs Caught Celebrating Birthday In The Streets

For Choco, a man without a home, dogs aren’t just companions—they’re the family he never had.

Despite his struggles, Choco doesn’t just care for his two dogs, Shaggy and Nena; he celebrates their lives with birthday parties, sharing what little he has with them.


Family Birthday Party In The Street

Choco ended up on the streets to escape the domestic violence in his childhood home.

It was there, amidst the hardships of street life, that he found Shaggy and Nena, forming a new family bound by love and mutual care.

One day, a passerby noticed Choco and his dogs celebrating on some concrete steps.


homeless man celebrating birthday with his dogs

Source: @soychocco

Shaggy and Nena wore birthday hats, and a small cake sat between them.


It was clear they were celebrating a special day. Choco had spared no expense, relatively speaking, to make the day memorable with cake, candles, and decorations, despite his financial constraints.


Their Birthday Video Went Viral

According to The Dodo, a passerby moved by the scene filmed the celebration and shared it online.

The video touched hearts worldwide, leading to an outpouring of support for Choco and his dogs.


choco on the couch with his dogs

Source: @soychocco

People offered donations and help, showing how one small act of kindness can resonate with so many.


A New Life Thanks To The Support Of Countless People

Choco’s story didn’t just end with viral fame; it opened new doors for him.

He received a smartphone and created an Instagram account to keep the world updated on his life with Shaggy and Nena.


happy choco with his dogs after the video went viral

Source: @soychocco

Choco dreams of starting a shelter for dogs, and with continued support, this dream might soon become a reality.


Choco’s story is a powerful reminder of the deep connections that can form between humans and animals, even in the most unlikely circumstances.