This Pitbull Pup Masters the Art Of Finding The Fluffiest Dog To Nap On

This Pitbull Pup Masters the Art Of Finding The Fluffiest Dog To Nap On

In Green Bay, Wisconsin, a little pitbull puppy named Edna has turned doggy daycare into her own cozy nap haven.

Known for her unique way of recharging, Edna has mastered the art of finding the fluffiest, comfiest spots to nap—on top of her fellow daycare friends.


A Snuggling Cutie Looking For The Fluffiest Pillow Pal

From her earliest days at daycare, Edna showed a knack for play but an even greater talent for snoozing.


After vigorous play sessions with other puppies, she would scout for the perfect nap buddy.

It didn’t matter if her chosen pillow was a small pup like herself or one of the larger dogs; comfort was her only criterion.

What makes Edna’s choice of nap spots so endearing is her ability to win over her nap mates.


baby edna sleeping on a daycare buddy

Source: Brianna Gottfried

The dogs she snuggles on do not mind her presence. In fact, they seem to ensure she gets the best sleep possible, embracing their roles as living pillows.


Brianna Gottfried, Edna’s owner, noted in an interview with The Dodo that all the dogs, even the tiny wiener dogs, seemed to enjoy the snuggling company.


“When it’s time to go home I always have to peel her off of another dog”, said Brianna.


baby edna cuddling and napping on another dog

Source: Brianna Gottfried


Growing Up And Finally Serving As A Pillow Herself

As Edna grew, many assumed she would outgrow this adorable habit.

However, she has remained the affectionate, snuggly dog she always was, continuing to use every opportunity to cuddle up with a friend.


Despite her size increase, she still prefers to nap on the fluffiest dog available at daycare.

At home, Edna’s routine sees a delightful twist.

The tables have turned, and now she finds herself being the fluffy pillow for her two not-so-fluffy housemates.


Even though they aren’t as fluffy as her daycare pals, she happily lets them nap on her, showing her love for cozy companionship goes beyond her own need to nap.