Mama And Her Pups Dumped On The Street Thrilled to See Rescuers

Mama And Her Pups Dumped On The Street Thrilled to See Rescuers

Sadly, it’s all too common: a dog abandoned on the street with her two puppies.

As the little family struggled to survive, kind souls spotted them, allowing them to be rescued.


Abandoned With Two Puppies

Mina, a Bully mix mom, once had a home. But she faced a bitter reality when she was abandoned in the middle of nowhere with her two puppies, a crate, and a blanket.


Desperate and cold, Mina tried her best to keep her remaining puppy warm on the cold cement.

Jen and Roman McConn, founders of Project Freedom Ride in Evans, Georgia, read about Mina’s plight on Facebook. They knew they had to help.


When they arrived, the situation was worse than expected. Mina was cradling her puppy, later named Milo, while her other pup had already died in a nearby crate. Milo was infested with worms and suffering from mange, and both needed immediate help.


A Turn For The Better

After a vet checkup, Jen was relieved to find that neither Mina nor Milo had life-threatening conditions.


Milo needed mange treatment and regular baths, but both dogs were happy to be safe and loved.


“We are unbelievably lucky as neither have anything significant going on medically and both are happy as can be to be safe and loved.” Jen expressed.


Mina and Milo were placed in a foster home with Heather, who made sure they felt comfortable and loved.

Mina, always a gentle soul, and Milo, a playful and confident pup, quickly adapted. Despite having two other dogs, Heather provided a warm and nurturing environment for them.


Thriving And Finding Furever Families

Over three months in their foster home, Mina and Milo underwent an incredible transformation. Their sweet temperaments and eagerness to learn turned them into perfect pets.


Mina, always gentle and affectionate, loved cuddling and quickly became house and crate-trained. Milo, with his new fur and playful nature, thrived in this loving environment.

Finally, after months of recovery and learning that the world has kind people, both Mina and Milo found their forever homes.


Milo was adopted first by a wonderful Midwest family, where he flourished.

Mina, after a little longer wait, was also adopted into an amazing home where she could finally shine.