Adorable Street Puppy With Deformed Front Legs Starts To Walk Again

Adorable Street Puppy With Deformed Front Legs Starts To Walk Again

In the bustling streets of India, an adorable pup named Dharma was found laying on the ground, fighting for his life.

This is a sad story, but it does carry a silver lining of hope. Through the actions of several good-hearted humans, he got a chance for survival.

Dharma never stopped fighting for his life, surrounded by caring hoomans, even when it all seemed hopeless.

The big question everyone had was: “will this pup ever be able to walk again?”


A Rough Beginning

Dharma’s life began under harsh circumstances, found hungry, weak, and dirty, with his body infested with fleas.

He was in terrified condition, hopeless and he had spent a long time suffering.


dharma rescued by passerby

Source: Youtube

The pup laid immobile by the side of the road, a pitiful sight that moved a kind passerby to take immediate action. The man put the young pup in a box, and brought him to RRSA India, a local animal rescue organization.

This compassion led Dharma to the safety and care he desperately needed, marking the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope.


The Fight for a Normal Life

Upon his rescue, Dharma was rushed to the vet, revealing that his challenges were not due to fractures but a limb deformity that hindered his ability to walk.

He had been dragging his body to move, a result of various potential causes such as genetics, accidents, or trauma.


dharma at the vet

Source: Youtube

The diagnosis necessitated long-term treatment, demanding patience, care, and a willingness to overcome the odds.

In fact, his initial condition was so bad that he had to be transported to the hospital for further medical treatment.


A Testament to Resilience

Dharma’s journey through recovery was anything but easy.

Initially afraid of water and screaming in pain, he showed immense bravery.


dharma being washed by rescuers

Source: Youtube

His condition meant he needed assistance even for basic needs like eating, along with passive exercises as part of his rehabilitation.

Oral medications and supplements became his daily regimen, and he never stopped trying to walk.


The Power of Love and Care

Despite his suffering, Dharma never gave up the fight to walk again.

His resilience was supported by the shelter’s unwavering care, where he found not just a refuge but a home filled with love.


dharma pup able to stand on his own

Source: Youtube

After two weeks of therapy, Dharma’s strength began to return, allowing him to stand on his own, a significant milestone celebrated by all who had come to know his story.

Sure, he was not able to walk on his own just yet, but this was a very encouraging start to witness.


Hard Work Wins Once Again

As Dharma continued to receive treatment, each day brought him closer to strength and independence.

The collective effort of medical treatment, foster care, and the love from those around him painted a brighter future for this once hopeless puppy.

And finally, after 4 weeks of therapy, I’m so happy to say that Dharma was able to walk again!


finally dharma is able to walk on his own

Source: Youtube

RRSA India and the kind individuals who contributed to Dharma’s recovery are the true heroes in this story, and we thank them for their actions.

This story is truly an inspiration to me, a good reminder that every little helps, and that we can definitely be a force in this world and be there for the countless puppies that need our help.