Service Dog Graduates From University With His Owner

Service Dog Graduates From University With His Owner

Griffin, a devoted Golden Retriever service dog, receives an honorary diploma alongside his owner, Brittany Hawley, at Clarkson University’s Recognition Ceremony.

Their unique partnership and Griffin’s unwavering support through Brittany’s journey in obtaining her graduate degree is a remarkable story of companionship, support, and academic participation.


A Bond Forged Through Adversity

Brittany Hawley, originally from North Carolina, faced significant challenges from the age of 16 when she developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

This debilitating condition transitioned her from an active teenager into a wheelchair user battling severe pain and depression.


brittany and griffin

Source: @blhawley06

The introduction of Griffin into her life marked a pivotal turn, not just in managing her daily activities but also in transforming her social and academic experiences.


A Service Dog’s Role Extended Beyond the Norm

Griffin was trained by Paws4People, a service that prepares dogs to assist individuals in need, dramatically enhancing their quality of life.

This exceptional dog did more than just help with physical tasks like managing lights, retrieving items from the fridge, or assisting with a wheelchair.


brittany kissing griffin

Source: Twitter

Griffin’s presence provided Brittany with emotional support, reducing her social isolation and increasing her independence and confidence, crucial for her success in a demanding academic program.

“We were in it from the beginning. We moved to New York together, we went through school together, and we moved back to North Carolina together,” Brittany told CBS News. “He made going to school a lot easier for me.”

Griffin was always with Brittany. Always, even in class, and he didn’t miss a single one of them!


Recognized by Clarkson University

The decision to award Griffin an honorary diploma was backed by Clarkson University’s Board of Trustees, who recognized his “extraordinary effort, steadfast commitment, and diligent dedication to the wellbeing and student success of his owner.”

Griffin attended all the same classes, lectures, and social activities as Brittany, fully integrating into the Clarkson community.


griffin resting after receiving diploma

Source: @blhawley06

This recognition solidifies the importance of service dogs in educational settings, acknowledging their role in supporting student success.


A Graduation to Remember

At the graduation ceremony, Griffin, dressed in a cap and gown, proudly walked alongside Brittany, accepting his diploma with a pose for the photographers.

This moment was a significant acknowledgment of his role in Brittany’s academic journey, celebrated by cheers from attendees.


More Than Just a Service Dog

Beyond his service duties, Griffin also played a pivotal role in Brittany’s personal life.

He was instrumental in her meeting her fiancée through the Paws4People organization and even participated in the marriage proposal.


griffin posing with brittany and their diploma

Source: @blhawley06

This highlights the extensive impact Griffin has had on all aspects of Brittany’s life, offering more than just assistance – he provided a foundation for her personal and emotional growth.


A Future Filled with Hope

Brittany’s tribute to Griffin on her Instagram reflects deep gratitude.

“This boy has changed my life in so many ways. I never thought a dog would give me more hope in overcoming my disability than all the treatments I have tried.”

As they look forward to future adventures, Griffin’s role in Brittany’s life remains indispensable, really highlighting the profound bond between them.

Griffin’s story is a crucial reminder of the significant roles service dogs can play in enhancing the lives of their handlers, going past traditional boundaries to participate fully in every aspect of life, including education and personal achievements.