Abandoned Granola Bar Sized Pup Defies All Odds And Survives

Abandoned Granola Bar Sized Pup Defies All Odds And Survives

Guppy Hanson is a days-old pup, mix between a Shih Tzu and a beagle.

She was born with a leg deformity, and her mom rejected her. Her owners followed suit, and also abandoned her by dropping her off at the Bryson Veterinary Clinic.

However, the dedicated vet team saw potential in the tiny, 4-ounce puppy and devised a plan to save her.


A Plan of Hope

Determined to give Guppy a chance, the staff decided to bottle-feed her in shifts at home.


guppy the tiny pup

Source: Guppy Hanson

However, on her first night, her caregiver fell in love and decided Guppy had found her forever home.

“When my mom brought her home, I immediately fell in love,” Jess Lane told The Dodo.


Growing Stronger

With constant care and love, Guppy began to grow stronger.

At three months old, she was finally big enough for X-rays, which revealed her leg was missing a shoulder joint and several bones.


guppy in hand

Source: Guppy Hanson

Despite this, the veterinarian assured that as long as the leg didn’t bother her, it could remain.

Guppy continued to thrive under the watchful eyes of her new family and their rescue dog, Libby, who became a surrogate mother to her.

Libby’s nurturing care played a significant role in Guppy’s development.

“[Libby] turned out to be a great surrogate mother for Guppy,” Lane said. “She would clean her and love on her.”


guppy smaller than granola bar

Source: Guppy Hanson

Overcoming Challenges

At around four months, Lane noticed that Guppy didn’t respond to loud noises and seemed startled upon awakening.

After a vet visit, it was confirmed that Guppy was deaf.


guppy growing bigger

Source: Guppy Hanson

This new challenge didn’t deter her; she continued to grow and learn how to move despite her limitations.

“She had issues climbing up the steps to the front porch,” Lane said. “But now that she’s older, she has learned to jump without her arm getting hooked on the steps.”


Blossoming Personality

As Guppy grew, so did her personality. She started playing more with the other pets and discovered her love for digging.

When not digging, Guppy enjoys chewing on her favorite toys and blankets or riding around the neighborhood in her stroller.


guppy with new friends

Source: Guppy Hanson

She is showered with love from her family, especially from Lane’s son, who adores her.

“My son hugs her every day and tells her, ‘You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, yes, you are!’” Lane shared. “He’s not wrong!”


A Bright Future

Now eight months old and weighing over 14 pounds, Guppy has grown significantly since she first arrived at Lane’s home.

Her survivor spirit and taste for life have remained unchanged, bringing joy to her family every day.


guppy size comparison beforer after

Source: Guppy Hanson

“She’s such a fun little girl,” Lane said. “I cannot imagine life without her.”

Guppy Hanson’s journey from a fragile, abandoned puppy to a lively, beloved family member was such a treat to watch.

You can check her last updates on her Facebook page: Guppy Hanson