Dog Sneaks Into Store Display Hoping To Find A New Family

Dog Sneaks Into Store Display Hoping To Find A New Family

This is the story of Thor, a stray dog, who was found displaying himself in a store window in southern Brazil.

While he was probably trying to find shelter for the night, his clever action had unexpected outcomes, leading him to find a new home.


A Well-Thought-Out Plan

One day, as the owner of a fabric store was closing up for the night, she didn’t realize that not everyone had left.

A resourceful stray dog had snuck into the shop earlier, hiding and waiting for the right moment to execute his plan.

The next morning, as the sun rose, so did the clever pup.


thor waiting in the shop display window

Source: Pluto Aumigo

He gracefully placed himself in the shop’s display window, hoping to catch the eye of a potential adopter. And catch eyes he did!

Passersby couldn’t help but stop and admire the unusual and adorable display. The proud dog posed perfectly, wanting to be noticed, and he was!


Overnight Celebrity

The dog’s overnight stay in the fabric store quickly made him the talk of the town. His clever act even landed him a spot on the local news.


thor sleeping in the store display window

Source: Pluto Aumigo

When the store reopened in the morning, the dog politely made his way out, disappointed he hadn’t been adopted yet.

However, his plan wasn’t in vain. Two animal rescuers, Juliana Koerich and Adri Xica, saw him and were determined to find this smart pup.


Finding A Forever Home

Locating the dog wasn’t difficult, as he had become somewhat of a local celebrity.

Juliana and Adri described him as very affectionate and thanked the store’s staff for their kindness towards the furry intruder.

After some treats and well-deserved pets, the dog was taken to the vet for a checkup.

Juliana and Adri also spread the word to those who had seen him in the media or in person, letting everyone know he was searching for a forever home.

In the end, the clever canine found his perfect match!

A young man named Lucas saw the dog and was immediately charmed by his intelligence. Lucas adopted him and named him Thor.


thor with his new dad

Source: Pluto Aumigo

Adri ensured that everyone who followed Thor’s journey knew that he now had a cozy sofa in a loving home.


thor with his new family

Source: Pluto Aumigo