Missing Dog Reunites With Her Family After 5 Years Apart

Missing Dog Reunites With Her Family After 5 Years Apart

Losing a pet is incredibly hard, and for George Loving, the disappearance of his dog Dottie was devastating.

Despite searching for months, he and his family never thought they’d see her again after she vanished under mysterious circumstances.


Unbelievable But True, Dottie Was Finally Found Years Later

Months turned into years, and George’s family had almost given up hope. They reluctantly made peace with the possibility that Dottie might never come home.


dottie waiting in a cage

Source: The Dodo

Then, out of the blue, they received unbelievable news from Tanya Ohanian at the Evanston Animal Shelter in Cook County, Illinois.

Tanya had received a call about a dog wandering the streets, and she brought her into the shelter not knowing Dottie’s story.


Microchip Hunters To The Rescue

Initially, scanning for a microchip led nowhere.

But then, the Microchip Hunters, a local organization, stepped in to help.


With their assistance, Tanya and her team discovered Dottie’s true identity and realized she wasn’t a stray but a beloved family pet who had been missing for five years.


An Emotional Family Reunion

When George heard the news, he was overjoyed and rushed to the shelter.

The reunion was incredibly emotional, with tears from everyone present.


“It was emotional for all of us, (...) I think we were all in tears” Ohanian told The Dodo.


Despite the years apart, Dottie instantly recognized her family, relaxing into their touches with familiar affection.


A Mysterious Past

It remains unclear where Dottie had been all those years, whether she had another owner or was simply surviving on her own.

However, what matters now is that Dottie is back with her family, safe and sound.


George and his family are overjoyed to have her back and hope never to face such a separation again.

Dottie’s return is a heartwarming reminder of the unbreakable bond between pets and their families.