Heartbroken Dog Can’t Stop Staring At The Photo Of Her Best Friend Who’s No Longer There

Heartbroken Dog Can’t Stop Staring At The Photo Of Her Best Friend Who’s No Longer There

Ever since losing her best friend, this sweet pup has been struggling with heartbreak.

She spends her days staring at a photo of the one she misses most, as if waiting for them to come back.

Here’s her story.


A Friendship Like No Other

Greka, a sweet and affectionate Pit Bull, lives happily with her owner, Delvia González.


sad dog sitting on floor

Source: The Dodo

Like most dogs, she adores playtime and never turns down an opportunity to have fun with her favorite humans.

But among all the people she’s met, one held the most special place in her heart.

Since González had to leave for work every day, someone needed to take care of Greka. Fortunately, the perfect person for the job was already in her life.


dog and granny

Source: The Dodo

Her grandmother, also named Delvia, took on the role of Greka’s babysitter, and it quickly became clear that it was the best decision ever.


They kept each other company and always spent time together, spending their time playing fetch with the ball, and when they got tired, they’d start watching TV together,” González shared with The Dodo.


Their bond grew deeper with time, and Greka’s love for her grandmother became even more evident when she started sensing whenever she wasn’t feeling well.


dog and granny on couch

Source: The Dodo

My mother had diabetes, and because of that, her vision was affected. She could hardly see, so Greka was a support for her. When my mother felt bad or when she had a change in her glucose levels, Greka always told me, and she stayed by her side. She always laid at her feet wherever she was,” González said.


Saying Goodbye To Her Best Friend

Sadly, the time came when Greka had to say goodbye to her beloved companion. After being admitted to the hospital, González’s mother passed away.


dog and granny on bed

Source: The Dodo

Greka was the first to enter the emergency room. She was very desperate and worried about her grandmother. We wanted Greka to know that her grandmother would not return, and for that reason, the day we buried her, we took Greka to say goodbye. We brought her close to her coffin. She cried a lot. She trembled with sadness, but she understood that her grandmother was resting in peace,” González said.


Though her best friend was gone, Greka’s love never faded. The proof of their unbreakable bond became evident in a touching moment that González captured on video.


dog staring at picture

Source: The Dodo

She placed a framed photo of her mother in their home, and as soon as Greka saw it, she refused to leave its side.


Holding Onto Love

She is very sad. She approaches the photo, takes the ball to her grandmother, and sits waiting for her to throw it to her,” González shared.


Greka’s devotion was undeniable, and in comforting her dog, González found comfort for herself as well.


dog watching bird

Source: The Dodo

I feel my mother with me every time I hug Greka or every time she brings me her ball. Her love for my mother has kept us together to endure this very difficult process,” she added.

But in their hearts, they know that love never truly fades.

On a recent trip to the beach, González felt a sense of peace, as if her mother was still watching over them, ensuring they always had a reason to smile.

Love is powerful—it transcends time, distance, and even loss. And no matter what, Greka will always carry her best friend in her heart.

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