Dog At Risk To Be Put Down Because “He Barks Too Much” Is Saved

Dog At Risk To Be Put Down Because He Barks Too Much Is Saved

Some people get dogs just like they would get a toy.

And when that toy doesn’t do exactly what they want, they throw it away.

But dogs are not toys, and they can’t be expected to work instantly out of the box. They need time to adjust to their environment.

Sadly, some new dog owners just don’t care about the hurt they cause.


A Heartbreaking Rejection

Markus, a two-year-old Patterdale mix Labrador, experienced this painful rejection firsthand.


In July 2023, his owners contacted Lucie Holmes, the founder of Lucie’s Animal Rescue, wanting to surrender Markus because he barked at people and other dogs.

Holmes was surprised, as barking is a natural way for dogs to communicate.

Markus had only been with his owners for five weeks.

This short time was not enough for him to adjust to his new home, and he needed his family’s support more than ever.


Unfortunately, his owners decided to give up on him without providing any training or effort to help him settle in.


A Desperate Call for Help

With the rescue center full, Holmes told Markus’ owners that she couldn’t take him in immediately but promised to call when there was space.

Later that day, Holmes received a shocking call from a vet.

Markus’ owners had asked the vet to put him to sleep. Thankfully, the vet refused and suggested behaviorist sessions, which the owners declined.

Fearing for Markus’ life, Holmes called his owners and insisted on taking him in.


She brought Markus to the rescue center, where he initially seemed nervous but soon relaxed.

He was introduced to six other dogs and quickly showed his friendly nature, his tail wagging nonstop.


Markus Is Finally Safe

Holmes noticed that Markus barked playfully when other dogs approached him, his way of expressing excitement and eagerness to make new friends.

Holmes and her family provided the love and understanding Markus needed, making him feel accepted and safe.


“You are safe, Markus, and loved. You will never be treated so badly again, and that I can promise,” Holmes assured him.

The rescue center received many adoption applications for Markus, and it’s clear that he will soon find a forever family who will cherish him.

In the meantime, Markus enjoys the love and care from Holmes and her family, knowing he is finally safe and understood.