Abandoned Dog Sleeps On Curb Waiting For A Family That Would Never Return

Abandoned Dog Sleeps On Curb Waiting For A Family That Would Never Return

Nirvana is a loyal family dog, that lived a peaceful life. She never expected what would happen to her.

Her story begins in a desolate lot, where she was left with nothing but a blanket and some food, waiting for a family that would never return.


A Heartbreaking Discovery

Nirvana was abandoned by her family, left behind at the car wash, with a blanket and some food as only reminders of her previous life.


nirvana on the street abandoned by family

Source: The Dodo

The poor dog stayed in the same place, decided to wait for her family to return. Sadly, they never did.

Nirvana’s dire situation came to light when workers at a nearby car wash noticed her curled up on the curb, her food supply dwindling.

Concerned for her well-being, they put a full bag of dog food next to her and contacted Suzette Hall, founder of Logan’s Legacy dog rescue.


nirvana sleeping on the curb

Source: The Dodo

For two days, Nirvana lay in the empty lot, sleeping away most of the time, showing how exhausted and desperate she was.


A Rescue Filled with Hope

When Suzette Hall arrived, she approached Nirvana with caution, understanding the dog’s fragile state.

Despite her fatigue, Nirvana responded to Hall’s presence with a gentle wiggle, a sign that she recognized the help at hand.


good girl nirvana

Source: The Dodo

“I got a leash around her, and she just wiggled her butt,” Hall said. “She knew someone came to save her.”

Hall secured Nirvana and transported her to a vet for immediate care, marking the beginning of her journey to recovery.


Washing Away the Sadness

At the vet, Nirvana received a bath, symbolically cleansing her of her past challenges and welcoming a fresh start.

The veterinary team was immediately charmed by her sweet behavior, recognizing her as a special soul who, despite her circumstances, remained kind-hearted and gentle.

“She’s something else,” Hall said. “She’s sweeter than anything.”


happy nirvana cleaned from past challenges

Source: The Dodo

Healing and Finding Joy

Nirvana was quickly placed in a foster home, where she began to show signs of recovery not just physically but emotionally as well.

Her foster mom described Nirvana as affectionate and cuddly, particularly cherishing their nighttime snuggles

As Nirvana adjusted to her new life, her energy returned, and with it, a love for long walks, hikes, and the inevitable zoomies that come with newfound happiness.

“She has a lot of energy now, so she has to get her walks in to get it out of her,” Hall said. “She’s funny, very playful and happy.”


nirvana playing in foster home

Source: The Dodo

A Bright Future Ahead

Though still in search of a forever home, Nirvana’s days are now filled with joy and playfulness.

Her gratefulness to her foster parents and rescuers is obvious, and her transformation from a tired, abandoned dog to a lively, loving companion is really a heartwarming scene.

Nirvana’s journey is a poignant reminder of the countless animals in need of rescue and the difference a caring community can make.

As Nirvana continues to thrive, she leaves a trail of inspiration and gratitude, eagerly awaiting the day she finds a permanent place to call home.