Woman Discovers A Scared Lonely Dog Sleeping On Trash And Doorsteps

Woman Discovers A Scared Lonely Dog Sleeping On A Pile Of Trash

Rescuing a scared and lonely dog on the streets is never easy, but Christine’s determination and kindness made all the difference for one special pup named Hope.


Approaching Hope

Christine first noticed Hope, a small, timid dog, standing in the middle of the street near her home in Los Angeles.


little pup sleeping on a mat

Source: @chilberg

Without a family or a safe place to stay, Hope was too frightened to let anyone approach her. Despite Christine’s efforts to catch her, Hope always managed to slip away.


trying to approach hope

Source: @chilberg

Instead of giving up, Christine began leaving food in a nearby alley, hoping to gain Hope’s trust.

She soon discovered that the poor pup had been sleeping on a makeshift bed in a pile of trash, and sometimes even on doorsteps, but would always flee when anyone got too close.


feeding hope in the street

Source: @chilberg

Day by day, Christine continued to feed Hope, slowly building trust. On the sixth day, Hope finally began to eat from Christine’s hand, but a passing car scared her off.

Realizing she needed help, Christine reached out to Deity Animal Rescue and CatchingPaws for assistance.


Saved And Starting To Thrive

The next day, armed with food, the rescue team lured Hope into a small alley and managed to catch her in a net.


hope rescued in a net

Source: @chilberg

Though Hope was initially anxious and frightened, she calmed down once she was safe in Christine’s home.

After a warm bath and a good meal, Hope began to relax, feeling the love and care she had long been missing.



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In just a few days, Hope transformed into a happy and playful dog, finally showing her true personality. She even let Christine give her belly rubs, melting into her new foster mom’s hands with trust and affection.


“Her playful spirit is starting to shine through. Hope is gentle, quiet, and a great little buddy,” Christine shared on Instagram. “She walks nicely on a leash and loves being petted.”


Finding His Forever Home

Christine’s efforts paid off when Hope found her forever home with an incredible family.


christine holding hope in her arms

Source: @chilberg

Her new mom, Clemé, fell in love with Hope at first sight. The bond between them was immediate and strong.


“I’ve never made a best friend so quickly!” Clemé told Christine. “She has lightened up our lives beyond measure, and we already feel so bonded. She is such a gift.”



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Une publication partagée par chilberg (@chilberg)

Now, Hope lives happily with her new pawrents and a big doggo brother, feeling like the safest princess in the world.

Thanks to Christine’s perseverance and love, Hope will never have to worry about being homeless again.