Wolf-Dog Reunites With His Military Dad After 10 Months Apart

Wolf-Dog Reunites With His Military Dad After 10 Months Apart

Indus, a beautiful blend of Husky, Malamute, and Timber Wolf, calls Northwood, New Hampshire, his home.

His tale is one of unwavering love, loyalty, and a memorable reunion with his father, Devin Ekstrom, after a long time apart.


A Long Wait

In 2018, two-year-old Indus stayed with his mom, Morgan, while his dad, Devin, was away for Army basic training.


Deployments are challenging for families, and pets like Indus feel the absence deeply, unable to understand why their loved ones are gone or when they will return.

Devin departed for Army Basic training on October 15, 2017. For a full ten months, his family, including Indus, didn’t see him.


The Best Christmas Present Ever

When Devin finally came home for Christmas, everyone was overjoyed, but Indus’s excitement was unmatched.

Indus had no clue that his dad would be returning that day, making the surprise even more significant.


While ten months might seem brief to humans, it felt like a lifetime to Indus. Thankfully, Morgan recorded the emotional reunion on video.

In the video, Indus begins by barking at someone he believes is a stranger. Devin’s military uniform and big boots must have confused him.

However, once Indus got closer and recognized Devin’s scent, his reaction changed completely.


A Love-Filled Reunion

“Who is that?” Morgan asked Indus. Devin knelt down, bringing himself to eye level with Indus.

In that instant, Indus ran over and showered his dad with kisses. It was a touching scene filled with kisses, hugs, wiggles, and excited zoomies.


Indus was ecstatic to have his dad back. He ran around in joy, continually returning to Devin to express his happiness.

Check out the video to see this emotional reunion:


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Une publication partagée par Indus – (@indus_the_wolfdog)


“Indus’s dad was overwhelmed with the love he received once Indus realized it was him,” Morgan told Spotlight Stories. “I was crying along with the rest of the family.”


This emotional reunion quickly became a viral hit, with over 17,000 views on Indus’s official Instagram profile.

That Christmas was one of the happiest for the Ekstrom family. Indus’s joy and affection brought tears to everyone’s eyes, highlighting the incredible bond between a dog and his human.