Shelter Staff Finds A Box Labeled Small And Hears Cries For Help Coming From Inside

Shelter Staff Discovers Box Marked Small With Cries For Help Coming From Inside

Every dog deserves love and care, but sadly, not all are so lucky.

Gibbs, a 6-week-old puppy, was abandoned in a cardboard box, crying out in fear and confusion, hoping for rescue.


A Midnight Discovery

One night, a staff member at a shelter in Orangeburg, South Carolina, had forgotten something and made a trip back to the shelter.

As they approached, something caught their eye—an unexpected box sitting on a bench near the entrance, simply labeled “small.”


The staff member bent down to investigate and was startled by the sound of faint cries coming from inside the box.

When they opened it, they were met with the sad but hopeful gaze of a tiny puppy.


Gibbs had been left alone, abandoned, but his cries for help had finally been answered.

The staff quickly brought Gibbs inside, saddened by the sight of such a young, defenseless puppy left out in the dark.

But they were also relieved that fate had brought them back to the shelter that night, in time to save the little one.


A Fresh Start At A Foster Home

The next day, the shelter shared Gibbs’ story on social media, hoping to find help for the tiny pup.

Their post reached Eunoia Rescue, a Charleston-based rescue group, whose team was immediately moved by his story and determined to help.


Upon meeting Gibbs, they were shocked that anyone could abandon such a sweet, lovable puppy.

The rescuers gave Gibbs a much-needed bath to rid him of the fleas and worms that covered his small body.

Other than that, he was in good health, and soon he was showered with love and affection by his new caretakers.


cute gibbs sleeping in his pillow

Source: The Dodo

Gibbs was then placed in a foster home, where he quickly blossomed. The once abandoned pup was now surrounded by love and care, playing and learning what it meant to be safe.


He LOVES other dogs and acts like he weighs 50 pounds instead of just a measly 4 pounds and will chase all his foster siblings around. He’s happy, healthy and just waiting to be big enough to be neutered before he’s adopted,” Eunoia Rescue told The Dodo.


gibbs lying in the grass

Source: The Dodo

Thanks to a twist of fate and the compassion of the people who found and cared for him, Gibbs has a bright future ahead.

He is healthy, loved, and no longer alone. It won’t be long before he finds the forever family he deserves, and his days of loneliness and fear will be nothing but a distant memory.