Rescuers Lift Dumpster Lid To Find The Sweetest Eyes Staring Up At Them

Rescuers Lift Dumpster Lid To Find The Sweetest Eyes Staring Up At Them

Today, we share the story of Malea, a sweet dog who was abandoned in a heartbreaking way. She was cruelly left in a scorching hot dumpster, the lid closed tightly, by someone who didn’t care what happened to her.

Malea waited, hoping that someone kind would find her and offer her the love she desperately needed.


Rescuers Rush To Save Malea

A caring man witnessed this awful act in a neighborhood in Missouri and immediately called Stray Rescue of St. Louis for help.


Donna Lochmann, the chief life-saving officer, and her team quickly rushed to the scene to save Malea.

When they arrived and opened the dumpster, they were met with the sight of the sweetest eyes looking up at them. Malea wagged her tail and smiled, so happy to see someone who cared enough to come for her.

The rescuers were relieved that she was okay, but they were deeply saddened by the cruelty she had endured. It was hard for them to hold back tears, knowing how close she came to serious harm.


“We tried to hold back tears, but this really choked us up. It was so hot inside; we’re thankful she didn’t pass out,” the rescue shared on Facebook.


They shuddered at the thought of what might have happened if she had been trapped in the heat much longer.


On The Road To A Safe Place

Donna Lochmann gently climbed into the dumpster and comforted Malea.

After putting a leash around her neck, she carefully lifted the sweet Pittie out of her makeshift prison.


On the way to the shelter, Malea couldn’t stop showing her gratitude. She showered her rescuers with kisses, licking their faces as they reassured her that her life truly mattered.


“You’re a beautiful girl. You don’t belong in a dumpster. You are not trash. No, you are NOT trash. You’re a beautiful girl, and your life matters.”


Malea leaned into her rescuer’s shoulder, feeling safe and cared for.

As they drove to the shelter, the rescuers received another urgent call. Two puppies had been abandoned in a parking lot downtown and needed help.


They immediately headed to the location and rescued the happy puppies before continuing to the shelter with all three dogs.

Since the shelter was full, the puppies were placed in foster care while Malea joined the shelter’s Rovernight program. This program allows people to take a dog home for a few days, offering them some extra care and love.


“She’s in a loving home being spoiled! She gets along great with other dogs and is gentle with little kids, too,” said Natalie Thomson, the rescue’s Director of Marketing.


All three pups are now enjoying lots of affection and are waiting for their forever homes.