Homeless Dog Follows A Man Home And Ends Up Finding A Family

Homeless Dog Follows A Man Home And Ends Up Finding A Family

When a man stepped off his bus in St. Louis, he never expected to find a loyal follower in a stray dog.

This chance encounter led to a heartwarming journey of friendship, rescue, and a forever home for the pup named Orville.


A Mysterious Follower

One day, as a man disembarked at his local bus stop, he noticed a dog sitting patiently, as if waiting for someone.

He gave the dog a few pats and some kind words before heading home, thinking nothing more of it.


But as he walked, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Turning around, he realized the same dog was now in his front yard, having followed him all the way home!


The Dog Was Successfully Rescued

The dog showed no signs of fear, so the man invited him into his yard.

Despite looking like he might belong to someone, the dog was clearly in poor shape. Concerned, the man contacted Stray Rescue of St. Louis (SRSL) for help.


When Donna and Natalie from SRSL arrived, they expected a wary and frightened dog. Instead, they were greeted by a smiling, friendly pup.


“He was an absolute sweetheart from the start,” Donna Lochmann told The Dodo. “We were able to leash him up right away, and he went right with us.”


Meeting Orville

They named the dog Orville, and he turned out to be incredibly affectionate. Eager for attention, Orville hopped into the SRSL Jeep, ready for his next adventure.


“He rode up near Natalie and me most of the way back,” Donna said to The Dodo. “He was just a happy boy.”


At the SRSL vet hospital, Orville continued to charm everyone he met.


He greeted the staff with a big smile, seeming to know that his life was about to change for the better. The vet team treated his wounds and set up a cozy kennel for his recovery.

Orville was in fact a healthy three-year-old Pittie. He quickly began to regain his strength. With proper care and attention, he soon put on weight and his confidence soared.


The Search For A Forever Home

Orville was rescued in April 2023. Despite his smooth rehabilitation, no one immediately came forward to adopt him.

However, SRSL staff remained hopeful, knowing that the perfect family would come along.


And they were right! On June 10th, Orville found his forever home. After almost two months at the shelter, he was adopted by a loving family with a mom, dad, and baby brother.