Pit Bull Chained To A Fence Is Rescued By NYPD Officer

Pit Bull Chained To A Fence Is Rescued by NYPD Officer

During a routine patrol through a Brooklyn park, NYPD Officer Michael Pascale caught something out of the corner of his eye.

It was a pit bull, chained to a fence, pleading for help.

The officer instantly knew what he had to do.


A Heartbreaking Discovery

While patrolling the park, Officer Pascale spotted something out of the ordinary.

A Pit Bull, chained up and shivering, surrounded by debris and dangerous items like used needles and broken beer bottles.


joey chained up to a fence

Source: Youtube

The scene screamed “neglect”, and the dog’s pleading eyes struck a chord with Pascale.

Moved by the sight, he knew he couldn’t just pass by; he had to help.


Unchaining Hope

Pascale’s training as a police officer combined with his innate compassion drove him to immediately step up.

“My first thought was: I need to get him out of here.” said the officer

He approached the frightened dog with care, unchained him, and wrapped him in a blanket, providing the warmth and comfort the poor creature desperately needed.


michael pascale drying up joey

Source: Youtube

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Pascale then rushed the dog, to the Brooklyn Animal Care Center.


A New Beginning

At the shelter, the big dog received the medical attention and care he required.

Officer Pascale and the shelter staff collaborated to ensure that Joey’s transition from the cold streets to a warm shelter was as smooth as possible.


joey and michael

Source: Youtube

They chose the name Joey for the resilient dog, symbolizing a fresh start and a new chapter in his life.

As they cleaned and dried him off, a bond began to form between Pascale and Joey—a connection that would soon deepen into something extraordinary.


A Family’s Embrace

Officer Pascale was so moved by Joey’s difficult situation and his gentle behavior that he sent a photo of Joey to his wife, who immediately mentioned the idea of adopting him.

“It’s resonating with me because I don’t just see an animal, I see a soul. And that’s not something I turn away from.” said Pascale.

However, they had to wait for the mandatory 72-hour hold at the shelter to expire.


joey on the way to his new home

Source: Youtube

During this period, Pascale’s anticipation grew; he visited Joey, spending time with him and further cementing their bond.


Coming Home

Finally, the day arrived when Joey could officially go home with Officer Pascale.

The reunion was touching, with Joey showing unmistakable joy and gratitude as he ran up to his rescuer, showering him with kisses.


joey happy in his new home

Source: Youtube

Joey’s integration into the Pascale family was seamless, with both Officer Pascale and his wife welcoming him with open arms and hearts.


Best Friends Furever

Joey’s transformation from an abandoned, shivering dog to a beloved family pet and Officer Pascale’s “number one partner” is the perfect example to the power of love and the difference one act of kindness can make.

Joey’s story is not just a tale of rescue but also of redemption, of finding a forever home where he is cherished and adored.

The bond between Officer Pascale and Joey continues to grow, each day bringing them closer, proving that sometimes, the rescuer needs the rescued just as much.

Their story has touched many lives, inspiring others to consider opening their homes and hearts to pets in need.