Desperate Dog Goes Door-To-Door Looking For A Family

Desperate Dog Goes Door-To-Door Looking For A Family

This is a story about the unfortunate reality of pet abandonment.

A small dog was left by her family, struggling to survive in the pouring rain.

Fortunately, some compassionate neighbors stepped in to help.


Desperate For Shelter

Suzette Hall, an animal rescuer, heard about a little dog wandering around the neighborhood seeking shelter.


pup abandonned in front of the door

Source: Suzette Hall

Suzette, who runs Logan’s Legacy dog rescue, could relate to the pup’s plight as she too had been displaced due to the Southern California flooding.


“I had been feeling so displaced that day, like I didn’t have anywhere to go,” Suzette shared with The Dodo. “And then I got the message about the dog.”


Neighbors reported seeing the dog for a few days. It seemed like she had been abandoned by her family and was trying to find a safe place amid the rain.


“She would go up and scratch on the door like, ‘Let me in!’ Then, when no one answered, she would just sit there and shake,” Suzette explained to The Dodo.


Rescuing The Pet

Before helping, Suzette wanted to ensure the dog wasn’t someone’s lost pet, so she posted about her online but received no responses.

When she found the dog, she noticed the pup was very skittish, avoiding her at all costs.


poor pup waiting to be saved

Source: Suzette Hall

Suzette tried luring the dog with food, leaving treats, but it only made the dog more frightened. Then, she decided to talk to the dog instead.


“She was too scared to go into the trap, so I sat there with her and talked to her,” Suzette said. “I was telling her that I understood how she felt. I was saying, ‘I don’t have a home either right now.’”


Surprisingly, this worked. The pup started to relax, and Suzette managed to get close enough to touch her. After a few pets, Suzette transported her to her truck, where the dog quickly fell asleep.


She Finally Received Care And Love Awaiting Forever Family

Suzette brought the dog to a vet, where she received the care she needed.

The only remaining issue was her matted fur, which required attention from a groomer. The groomer shaved off the knotted hair, making her look pretty again.


Now named Nikki, the dog was ready to move into her new foster home, where she would wait for adoption.


“She’s one of those dogs who everyone just loves instantly,” Suzette said to The Dodo. “She’s so kind, and she doesn’t even bark!”


Nikki remains in her foster home, awaiting her forever family. Until then, Suzette and her team continue to give her all the love she deserves.