Owner Wanted His Puppy Put Down But The Vet Refused To Do It

Owner Wanted His Puppy Put Down But The Vet Refused To Do It

Bing Bong is a cute little pup who almost got euthanized at his owner’s request due to his disability.

Luckily, the vet vetoed it and decided to give him a new chance.


Bing Bong Dodged A Bullet

Bing Bong didn’t have an easy start in life. Born blind, he faced a lot of challenges right away.


His mother kept attacking him, which is something that sometimes happens when animal mothers sense something is wrong with their babies.

Bing Bong’s owner thought that putting him down would be the kindest thing to do.

When the owner took Bing Bong to the local vet to ask for him to be euthanized, the vet had a different idea. He offered to take the little pup home and find a better place for him, away from his mom.

Thankfully, the owner agreed, and Bing Bong was given a second chance.

The vet then contacted Kim, a kind-hearted woman who didn’t hesitate for a second to welcome Bing Bong into her home. She was ready to give him the love and care he needed.


A Fresh Start With Kim

Bing Bong was tiny and fragile, so Kim and her family watched over him day and night to ensure he was comfortable and safe.

With their constant care, Bing Bong began to grow into a happy and energetic dog. He soon became friends with the other dogs in the house, playing and enjoying life despite his rough beginnings.


Being blind meant Bing Bong had to rely on his other senses. His new family helped him navigate his world using their voices to guide him.

They weren’t sure if Bing Bong could see anything at all, but they found ways to make sure he felt at home.


Thriving In A Loving Home

Bing Bong’s new family is dedicated to making sure he feels loved and content. If you’d like to see more of his adventures, you can check out his Instagram page for regular updates.


Lately, Bing Bong has developed a special attachment to a green ball, especially when it rains. He loves playing with it and hardly ever lets it out of his sight.

Another favorite pastime of his is snuggling up in blankets and taking long naps with his doggy siblings. Bing Bong is truly one happy pup.


Bing Bong’s story reminds us of the kindness that still exists in the world. Thanks to the vet and Kim, Bing Bong now has a chance to live a joyful and hopefully long life.